Hi, since bout a year after I started secondary school I've been getting this shoulder pain. I think it was started by carrying my school bag.
Now I have reached my last year at 2ndry school and my shoulder pain's become really severe. I only get it when I've been carrying a bag (not neccessarily heavy), or am stressed etc. I've been to the drs and got prescribed this cream 'Movelat' bout 1 2 2 years ago. It didn't have any effect, so after my mum not booking me an appointment for AGES
she finally did and I got an appointment to c a physiotherapist...
now I went to physio appoint bout 6 weeks ago and the stupid cow didn't seem to believe I actually had anything wrong, or expreienced pain. I hurt my back/shoulder on trampoline bout three to four weeks b4 and, then, my dr said I had tenderthingy or something like that!...? So physio did all the arm movement things to see if I got pain that's usually connected to tenderthingy and I din't have it then, it doesn't usually hurt from moving my arm anyway...
I just really need some sort of advice, has anyone else experienced something like this? Or does anyone know any way I could help it?