Hitler's return, World War II, World War III, nuclear warfare, let's save our planet

Reply Sat 11 May, 2024 04:36 am
Return of a big danger...

One can believe or not into theory of reincarnation, but for my money this is one from religious conceptions which is valid - of course after certain and pretty thorough corrections, for example conception of karma is in big degree a superstition. Now in years 2040-2070 or 2090-2120 (what less probable, similarly as admissible whole range 2070-2120), it can be expected following public activity of A.Hitler. This information can appear insomuch important that probably he will lead to unleashing of nuclear war, what predictably will cause annihilation of biosphere. It is worth to notice that if he caused eruption of World War II so on the same basis his future political activity is practically tantamount with eruption of world war III.

One from basic methods of protection against effects of nuclear conflict is extension and improving system of atomic shelters. To much greater quantities, sizes and technical abilities than hitherto. Even building shelters of sizes of cities, equipped with ability of botanical and agricultural production, access to sources of water, ability of production of energy, industrial production and mining economy - let us notice that even many years of stay in shelters does not protect against long term effects of radiation, pollution of flora, waters and atmosphere.

If this prognosis will not prove correct this will mean that I was right, because Hitler can be held back on the earlier stage, he can also be weakened. Whereas it will prove correct this then of course it will also prove that I was right. To avoid suspicions of formulating arguments of which cannot be subjected to the empirical verification, I can add 'probably' before in years 2030-2060 or 2050 etc.. It is worth to notice that the date of his following birth can be connected with terrorist attack on World Trade Centre in New York from September 2001. The date 2013 also seems likely.
More exact time estimations - beginning of his perceivable activity possible from 2036 to 2045. From 2045 to 2060 visible aggressive political activity. From 2040-2050, war conflict with mass use of nuclear weapons. Round date of eruption of war 2045, 56 years after cold war this is as many as it took and as many years as Hitler had in a moment of death (1945). He can appear in such countries as China - motivating war with need of living space for overpopulated country, with racism, in Russia - after a lost cold war with reference to a tradition of communism, nationalism, chauvinism etc.. He comes to authority through military or political overturn, obtainment of general rank (eventually lower) or political position. Besides nuclear strike threatens also biological or chemical attack on a large scale as well as terrorist biological or chemical attack on a large scale.
It is worth to add that in fact both - cold war and future war was and will be in a big degree also effect of politics of democratic president of USA H.Truman (1945-1953) - he made 'gift' for USSR in the form of Atomic weapon - what was a greatest political mistake in history. Truman procrastinated so long till the competitive power accessed to the new military technology. An other less meaning but a serious mistake was a foundation of post war Israel as small, located in unfavourable climatical conditions state. It should be formed big country for example on an area of south part of Africa - a side effect of such activities would be large migration of Jewish population diffuse in different countries to this new state which would become in the future one of regulators and stabilizers of political situation both regionally as and in the world scale.
From time of invention of atomic weapon, mankind is standing on a verge of following total conflict. A period of so called cold war 1945-1991 was time of stable tenseness and permanent threat of such confrontation. Later followed detente which will last fairly long time. Then it comes, unless will undertake remedial steps, to a sudden conflict and series of nuclear strikes on a large scale.

Gregory Podgorniak, Poland, 2012

* There is a high probability that the prediction described above will not come true because God may intervene. I also recommend that readers pray to Christ, Father and Nothingness (see my thread on this forum: https://able2know.org/topic/585074-1) to stop the current incarnation of Hitler from coming to power. There is one more problem. Even if it is possible to stop the current (it is probably correct to assume that Hitler has already incarnated) incarnation of Hitler from coming to power, there remains the problem of subsequent incarnations, influencing them and stopping Hitler from coming to power again. You should also pray for this intention.

(year 2024)
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The Anointed
Reply Sat 11 May, 2024 10:15 pm
There is a high probability that the prediction described above will not come true because God may intervene.

But the predictions in the bible will come true my friend, the war to end all wars is coming at the close of the sixth day from Adam, immediately before the Great Sabbath of one thousand years, the war in which no flesh would survive but for the intervention of the Lord and he will intervene as seen in the words of the prophet ZECHARIAH.

Zechariah 14: The Lord will gather all the nations together to make war on Jerusalem. The city will be taken, the houses Looted, and the women raped. Half the people will go into exile, but the rest of them will not be taken away from the city. Then the Lord will go out and fight against those nations, as he has fought in times Past. (This has not yet happened)

See Zechariah 14. The Lord will come to fight for his people Israel as he has fought in times past, and he will fight the enemies of Israel; those Nations who surround Jerusalem in their attempt to drive God's chosen people into the sea.

The African tectonic plate in its northern migration, grinds against the Arabian plate in a line that runs up through the Red Sea and along the Jordon valley beneath the Mount of Olives.

Zechariah 14: 3-4; Then the Lord will go out and fight for his people as he has fought in times past. At that time, he will stand on the Mount of Olives, to the east of Jerusalem. Then the Mount of Olives will be split in two, from east to west by a large valley. Half of the mountain (On the African plate) will move to the northwest, and half of it (On the Arabian plate) will move to the southeast.

Could the violent activity around the earth at this time, be the trigger that will cause the super volcano beneath Yellow stone to erupt, enveloping the planet in a cloud of debris? And that day shall be neither day nor night, but a perpetual twilight.

Zechariah 14: 13; Then the Lord will throw those nations that surround Jerusalem, into a state of total confusion, and the weapons of destruction with which they would destroy Israel, he will cause them to turn upon their own allies and they shall suffer a terrible disease, the soft tissue such as their eyes and tongues will melt in their sockets, and their radiated flesh, cooked to the bone, will slide from their bodies while still standing. Then all the surviving Nations will send their representatives each year to Jerusalem in the land of Israel, to worship and pay tribute to the Lord who will rule the whole world with justice for a thousand years, and woe betide those who refuse to do so.

Then all the godless people of this world, and all those, who in their Synagogues, Mosques, and Cathedrals of stone, marble, or crystal, who prostate themselves on the floors or who sing and dance with their eyes and hands raised to the heavens in worship of a god they neither know or understand, will bow down and worship THE God of the Bible, the Most High in the creation, ‘The Son of Man’ who evolves from the body of mankind.

Knowing that which is to occur after the one thousand years Sabbath, when heavenly fire incinerates the surface of this planet earth, it is in that thousand years of peace, with the great wealth that will be paid in tribute to the King and High priest, that all our resources will be used to prepare for the ultimate destruction of all physical life forms that remain on this planet as predicted by the Lord through his prophet Zephaniah.

Zephaniah 1: 2-3; The LORD said, “I am going to destroy everything on earth, all human beings and animals, birds and fish. I will bring about the downfall of the wicked. I will destroy the whole human race, and no survivors will be left. I, the LORD, have spoken.

Then in verse 18; On the day when the LORD shows his fury, not even all their silver and gold will save them. The whole earth will be destroyed by the fire of his anger. He will put an end — a sudden end — to everyone who lives on earth. This happens after the thousand years Sabbath has finished and heavenly fire incinerates all physical life forms that remain on this planet.
Reply Sun 12 May, 2024 01:45 am
@The Anointed,
But the predictions in the bible will come true my friend

Smart debater, however, I hope that the biblical visions may not come true. You should put your trust in God and the supreme Goddess that they will save our planet.
The Anointed
Reply Sun 12 May, 2024 05:14 am
I hope that the biblical visions may not come true.

The prophecies of those scribes who have received a visitation from our Lord and Saviour, The Son of Man, who is the Omega and knows everything that has occurred in this world, up until the day He is born with the death of the great androgynous body of EVE=Mankind after the thousand years rule of Jesus and his chosen kings, those prophecies cannot be changed as they have all already happened, with the one exception, if he does not intervene in this soon coming global war to end all war, then no flesh, human or animal would survive on this planet. But for the sake of his elect and chosen, He will and has intervened, giving us a thousand years to prepare for the end of this world as we now know it.

And putting off his birth for a thousand years. The day when the umbilical cord that binds ‘The Son of Man,’ who is to crush the head of Satan, to the body in which He is still currently developing, is cut from that body and He is free at last.

This body that you see It isn’t really me
It’s but the womb in which I’m being formed
For I am spirit, I am mind
And it’s the only place you’ll find
‘Who I Am’ until the day I’m finally born
For I will not be free, until this body that you see
Has returned to the earth from whence it came
It’s then that I’ll be born from this womb in which I’m formed
To carry on in life’s eternal game. …. The Anointed

You should put your trust in God and the supreme Goddess that they will save our planet.

I put my faith and my trust in God and his Word, as to that supposed supreme goddess, who exists only in the mind of someone who is attempting to create another false religion, I think I'll give that imaginary girl a miss old mate.
Reply Wed 15 May, 2024 03:17 am
@The Anointed,
exists only in the mind of someone who is attempting to create another false religion

Maybe this religion is not false, you just need to think about it a little longer and reject certain prejudices and religious and mental patterns.
The Anointed
Reply Wed 15 May, 2024 05:33 am
Maybe this religion is not false,


you just need to think about it a little longer


Knowing that you haven't a clue who the heavenly Father, or his son, our Lord God and saviour is, I reject your mental religious patterns, your supposed supreme goddess, and the nothingness upon which you bass your delusionary belief on.
Reply Wed 22 May, 2024 03:37 am
@The Anointed,
I reject your mental religious patterns, your supposed supreme goddess, and the nothingness upon which you bass your delusionary belief on.

I suggest you think again and possibly allow for the possibility that this new religion is not far from the truth.
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Frank Apisa
Reply Wed 22 May, 2024 12:30 pm
@The Anointed,
The Anointed wrote:

Maybe this religion is not false,


you just need to think about it a little longer


Knowing that you haven't a clue who the heavenly Father, or his son, our Lord God and saviour is, I reject your mental religious patterns, your supposed supreme goddess, and the nothingness upon which you bass your delusionary belief on.

Pot...meet Kettle.

Reply Fri 24 May, 2024 11:55 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Oh, I don't know.

Agnostic atheists don't do belief.

Some might contend that belief in super beings is anthropic chauvinism at best and idolatry at worst.
Frank Apisa
Reply Sat 25 May, 2024 09:43 am
laughoutlood wrote:

Oh, I don't know.

Agnostic atheists don't do belief.


I do not know either, but I can make a guess.

And my guess is that every individual who uses "atheist" as a self-descriptor or as a part of a self-descriptor does so based on the kind of thing theist do..."belief."

They either "believe" there are no gods...or they "believe" that it is more likely that there are no gods than that there is at least one.

Some might contend that belief in super beings is anthropic chauvinism at best and idolatry at worst.

Some might, indeed.
Reply Sun 26 May, 2024 06:25 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Frank, you have so much more patience than I do, I admire that.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 27 May, 2024 08:26 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Someone thumbed you down, and given we are in complete accord, I thumbed you back up.

I agree with you that those people who believe in gods are theists and that those people who don't believe in gods are something else: there must be a word for it.

Reply Tue 11 Jun, 2024 02:00 am
In my text, I mentioned several countries where Hitler may appear, but the most likely candidate is Russia.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 1 Jul, 2024 09:34 am
The most likely date of birth of the new incarnation of Hitler is 2013.
Reply Sat 27 Jul, 2024 02:36 am
From these three Christ, Father and Nothingness, the best is to praying to Christ.
Reply Fri 9 Aug, 2024 01:27 am
...but praying to Father or Nothingness is not much worser.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 3 Sep, 2024 07:05 am
Maybe he was born in 2013 in such country as Belarus.
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Frank Apisa
Reply Tue 3 Sep, 2024 12:39 pm
laughoutlood wrote:

Someone thumbed you down, and given we are in complete accord, I thumbed you back up.

Thanks for that, Lol.


I agree with you that those people who believe in gods are theists and that those people who don't believe in gods are something else: there must be a word for it.

There is. It is non-believers. (This really applies only to the issue of "Are there no gods...or is there at least one?" question.)

People who "believe" there is a GOD...and people who "believe" there are no gods...are not part of that "non-believer" group.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 19 Sep, 2024 04:55 am
I would also like to note the fact that Hitler, from a spiritual level, provoked the war in Ukraine and Israel, just as he provoked World War I, when he already had a younger incarnation.
Reply Sat 28 Sep, 2024 04:03 am
And this is just a prelude to what may come.
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