Quote: That's right, we can say this about God the Father, who then formed the primeval singularity of the cosmos. The Father himself was created by Nothingness. So, we can say about her 'I AM.', or rather, 'THERE IS NO ME.'
She was the first of all creation
With her God formed the world
He named the woman wisdom
And in her arms I now am furled
She sings her songs of mystery
With words that tease the mind
Suggestive of some ecstasy
Erotic, yet divine.
She fiddles on my heart strings
And with her Magic bow
Sweet tunes contrived in heaven
From my heart and mind now flow
The loquacious liquid from her lips
Expands my feeble mind
With each and every precious kiss
I reel as if from wine
And babble incoherent words
Unable to express
The wonders I envision
When our lips are tightly pressed…….The Anointed.
See Proverbs 8, 22-31, concerning the woman named Wisdom.
“The LORD created me first of all,
the first of his works, long ago.
23I was made in the very beginning,
at the first, before the world began.
24I was born before the oceans,
when there were no springs of water.
25I was born before the mountains,
before the hills were set in place,
26before God made the earth and its fields
or even the first handful of soil.
27I was there when he set the sky in place,
when he stretched the horizon across the ocean,
28when he placed the clouds in the sky,
when he opened the springs of the ocean
29and ordered the waters of the sea
to rise no further than he said.
I was there when he laid the earth's foundations.
30I was beside him like an architect,
I was his daily source of joy,
always happy in his presence —
31happy with the world
and pleased with the human race.
God, the Creator of all that exists has no mother. All things were made by Him, through Him and for Him. HE, the eternal energy which has neither beginning or end, has become all that exists and is the collective consciousness of all that He has become.
Every living thing within this apparent boundless cosmos, are merely information gatherers for the eternal energy which manifests itself as this living universe and is all that exists and is, ’
The Great Thought’ the collective consciousness of all that exists. At any given point in time, you are no more than inches away from a spider, fly, ant, or any other of the many information gatherers of the eternal, who is all that exists.
Jeremiah 23: 23-24; “I am a God who is everywhere and not in one place only. No one can hide where I cannot see him. Do you not know that I am everywhere in heaven and on earth? He has eyes and ears throughout the entire universe
You cannot create anything from '
NOTHING' let alone the eternal creator God.