Sat 2 Nov, 2002 09:04 pm
I spent a good ten or fifteen minutes the other night looking for my cordless phone. I retraced my steps several times. I looked on the computer table, under the computer table, behind the computer table. I checked the pockets of my coat (let the dog out and may have taken it with me). I even checked the refrigerator, just in case. Finally, I remembered the base had a button on it to press for just such occasions. I pushed that button and followed the sound of the ring and found the phone in the bathroom?
This would be funny if it weren't for the fact that it seems I'm losing stuff a lot more lately. Can't find my list; can't find my glasses; have no idea where I parked the car; etc. This forgetfulness thing stinks.
Glad I read the whole thing. I almost said to have somebody call you.
Don't worry, you get used to things like this. I have.
I may get used to it, but I refuse to like it.
Aw, I don't even remember if I used to do things like that or not. That's a fringe benefit - I guess.
Yes, I've done that, too, Misti, and it is scary. It's also scary when you suddenly realize (cause someone tells you) that the new store you just noticed on that same well-travelled road has been open for the past year and a half.
Look, kids, Old Age isn't for sissies.
It may not be for sissies, but no longer takes great talent. Mostlly, it just takes time.
I actually thought this message was going to mean ........... You missed the regular telephone because you've been stuck using a celluar phone, as I have.
No, Algis, while I've had a cell phone for over a year I've only used it maybe three or four times. I much prefer calling from home on my cordless (when I can find it, of course).
Use the cell phone to call the other phone.
Now there's a solution, Joanne. Sorry I didn't think of that the other evening.
Hi Bandylu,
This topic is such a horror!I seem to spend a LOT of time lately-looking for something. Why? Why's it gotta be this way?And Sumac recently said that it takes longer to do things. Yes. Because we get distracted, or something. Many's the time I find something, laundry, say, lolling on a living room chair-because the phone rang, or I remembered something to add while bringing it up or down from the laundry room. (Went to do something periphoral, forgot all about the main task at hand.) And so embarrasing hours later to find.
I, while I'm searching for the phone, will get distracted and wind up doing something entirely different.
And how about arthritis?The walking is so much slower, that I try to do as many things "in that direction" as I can. You can guess how THAT works out!
I have actually started to feed Rupert and wandered off into some entirely different project! I have been unpacking groceries, and gotten a phone call. Hours later, the phone is under a stack of bags for recycling, and a package of celery is out on the phone table.
An MD recently said that losting our car keys is NOT a symptom of impending Alzheimer's Disease. Not remembering what our car keys are FOR is.
OK.So we dont have impending Alzheimer's. But we still can't find the phone.
And we're damn mad about it!
I received a Sharper Image catalog in the mail the other day. In it is a pager for lost items:
Trouble is, the thingies you need to attach are quite large and would look rather silly on one's glasses and you need to remember to put the locator back where you got it (plus, of course, I'd rather hunt for stuff than pay $50 for it).
Remeber bandylu you alwayv find stuff in the last place you look.
Wise advice, Ms. Joanne. However, sometimes the last place has to be looked in several times before it really becomes the last place.
Isn't that the truth some times I wonder if certain items have mystical powers and hide where you are looking on purpose because of some twisted need to keep us busy. The worst thing to not be able to find for me are my glasses, I read in bed at night and some times I fall asleep and I guess I just toss them. Then I have to get out my extra pair to find them. And my keys when I cannot find them it seems like I tear my purse apart a 100 times only to find them in the purse on the 101st check.
Ditto and ditto again. Sometimes I think it's a plot to make me think I'm going nuts (and sometimes I think I'm already nuts).