Sat 2 Nov, 2002 08:54 pm
They keep saying that the voter turnout will be the primary factor in who wins and who loses (duh, what else would it be?). Anyway, are you planning on voting next Tuesday?
Yes, I am contemplating this move with some certainty of accomplishment.
Interesting that some of the people you think would vote all the time, really don't vote all that often:
If I want to complain (which I do) I have to vote.
I sure do. Republican if I don't know the candidate: otherwise, probably republican - depending on how well I know them.
I may as well 'fess up now. I did not vote in the last presidential election (had no love for either Bush or Gore). AND LOOK WHAT HAPPENED !!! I'll never be that remiss again.
I'll be voting. The only real race for me is the Govenor's race and a few local positions. Everything else is pretty much a given (i.e. people running un-opposed or with no real competition..).
Absolutely -- as usual California has a plethora of propositions on the ballot, most of them aimed at helping children and environmental. I'd vote for Davis just because of the lawsuit to keep drilling off the California coast at bay. Bill Whats-his-name is just too tied in with the S&L scandals and his bragging about being involved in a charitable organization turns out to be an anti-abortion entity.
Oh yes I'll be voting, using an absentee ballot this year.
I vote everytime there is an election.
At least, once or twice or more a year....
But, someone stole the candidate sign from in front of my house.
When I got my ballot, I decided to look-up a Green Party candidate.
The Green Party stands for PEACE.
The Green Party stands for
It isn't surprising that so many of you will be voting. But I was just wondering whether anyone would admit it if they had no intention of voting.
Incidentally, I'm going to vote as well though it appears most of the races here are pretty well predetermined. They say that the older you get the more seriously you take the voting thing. I think 'they' are right this time (most of the time 'they' and I don't agree).
Fishin's right. In Massachusetts the Governor's rave is the only one that's close (and it's REAL close). Sen. Kerry is running unopposed. But there are a couple of interesting propositions on the ballot. One would do away with the state income tax. I have mixed feelings about this. How will state services be financed w/o a tax? The other is a proposal to do away with bilingual education in the schools. I have mixed feelings about that, too. I'll have decided by Tuesday, though
bandylu2- In my 55+ town, almost EVERYBODY votes. People walk around with those little, tacky, "I voted" stickers. If you have one of those stickers, you can go to the Chamber of Commerce, where they are serving munchees to "reward" all those who got out and voted.
For what it's worth, bandylu, I've taken voting deadly seriously from day one. My very first vote was for Clinton the first time around, (1992), which was a nice way to start things off.
Hey, that's a good idea for a thread....
Oh, and yeah, I'll be voting.
Jeanbean, I too sympathize with the Green positions and would like to vote for them. Then I think of all those people who voted for Nader in the last election. If liberals go in mass for the greens, Bushism will only become more deeply entrenched.
I'll be voting. I had to go to some trouble to find where to vote and what to do about the fact that my current address is not the same as my voter registration. But thanks to the Democratic Party and the voter registration folks, I know where to vote and I'll be there. Couldn't keep me away. The Democrats need to win as many of these elections as possible. We'll know tomorrow. Or really, we may not know again until next month.
I will be voting most definitely! Say, I was mighty surprised that lil ole me got a personal phone call from Gov. Rick Perry, Phil Gramm, and lordamighty, GW Bush! It's seems real real important to the Republicans (around here in Texas) that the 'vote' is out for them. Hmmmm, with all the amazing Republican mail to this house, the ads on TV, and then the phone calls - why, you'd think the Republicans are worried! Well, Despite my long history of voting for the non-winners, you bet I'll be there - as soon as I figure out where to go! Good question, and thanks!