Heh, heh, CJ - you ARE sissies

We call them snowflakes. On the Nextdoor app, people here have been showing us the insides of their windows covered in frost! We had to tape our sliding window frame - and it's still drafty. And these windows are fairly new! I had to put my bread in the oven to proof, the kitchen's that nippy.
A year ago in December we had two chillingly chilly weeks where really nobody went out - it was mainly the wind chill. We're about that same temp now. No wind chill at the moment so people are still going out. The main thing we have to worry about is ice. When we get a Chinook (which happens frequently during the winter), the snow melts, then when it freezes, it's layers upon layers of ice. One particularly bad winter (2013?), the ice buildup in our street was so bad that we all had to help push people to the end of the block and beyond. Seriously, the ice ruts were that high.