aktbird57 - You and your 283 friends have supported 2,010,250.4 square feet!
Marine Wetlands habitat supported: 64,072.9 square feet.
You have supported: (0.0)
Your 283 friends have supported: (64,072.9)
American Prairie habitat supported: 38,481.1 square feet.
You have supported: (10,487.5)
Your 283 friends have supported: (27,993.6)
Rainforest habitat supported: 1,907,696.4 square feet.
You have supported: (163,556.3)
Your 283 friends have supported: (1,744,140.1)
1 Aktbird57 .. 1215 46.145 acres
I'll see if I can find the link to the more recent response to questions abou t how things work. Bottom line - each of the care2 partners has a FAQ (frequently asked questions) page.
for example - the Race for the Rainforest clicks result in money being donated, by the Race sponsors <the advertisers on each page>, to The Nature Conservancy.
Each Race has different charities it supports - and different, though often over-lapping, sponsors/donors.
On the page where the charity for the race is id'd there will be a link to that charity so you can decide if it's one you'd be interested in supporting through your clicking <there are a couple of races I'm less keen on then others, so I don't click on every race>
Nature Conservancy link
the FAQ page for the rainforest race