Dan, I thought the horse you were sitting on was "Scorpio"! Recall during one of the rainforest threads, we were chatting about ranches, cowboys, inuits, etc. you mentioning your horses name. <I have a memory like an elephant>

however, the quater horse is quite a nice animal, and yep - he appears alert and if he can change leads on a dime, he's one heck of a cutting horse.
OMG - you have an arsenal!
Learned at a very young age to never shoot trees <or birds or animals or anything that breaths> but i do enjoy tarket shooting <skeet shooting was kinda interesting and also bow shooting> now though i have a 22 ruger, and two rifles <the 270 my fav - light and doesn't dislocate my shoulder like the 30.0D (sp)...
Hated the bow range <although I wasn't bad hitting targets> each target was either a deer, bear, elk, moose, statue or cardboard thingy...with a bulls eye drawn on the poor animals picture. A few trips through the range and i said nada. Killed a few bales of oat hay though and not a few skeet targets.
anyhooo, i'm glad your safe at the ranch and not having to deal with angry texans <i'd be upset too> and glad alls well. Somehow though I can't picture you sittin on a porch wearing a ten gallon hat, and toatin' a Zapata ammo holster with levis tucked in cowboy boots....wait - yep, iffin your wearing a flight jacket. <grin>
Glad you and Pattie got through the storm, and ya all safe. Have you heard word of Edgarblyth? Still no word from one poster at another forum, he and his family have a home in N.O. We can only hope they are safe and well also.
pwayfarer, drove home from work accompanied by an awsome thunder and lightening storm! Autumn right around the corner.