Setanta wrote:Tico, you missed the thread here, then, about the Pentagon putting operational names on the tombstones of Iraqi war dead in Arlington National Cemetary, at times without first securing the consent of the families, huh?
I missed the thread but I'm aware of the AP story, and knew what bernie's angle was. What made you think I wasn't.
What I find most bizarre is any attempt to claim that as "advertising." Don't doves have enough to complain about these days. Why they have this continual need to try and create a story is beyond me.
Your typical style of contribution here leads me to believe that you've never found anything at this site "beyond you." How very disingenuous of you, Ah-nold.
And your typical posting style leads me to think you've never found anything "above you," poochie.
Damned little, at any event . . .
Setanta wrote:...Ah-nold.
eh, hem...'scuse me, but that should be Ahnold
the "d" is silent. now if only Ahnoldt would be... :wink:
The Austrian pea-wit isn't even a blip on the political radar screen where i live, so i don't have to listen to him . . .
set, i give mr. guvernator credit for endorsing stem-cell research; puts him one up on our commander-in-chief in my scorecard.
Setanta wrote:The Austrian pea-wit isn't even a blip on the political radar screen where i live, so i don't have to listen to him . . .
i really wish he'd stuck to doin' films. i like him as an action film dude. as governator ? not so much.
there was a short blurb on the telly that robin williams might run. don't know if it's for real, but i would hate to be the guy that had to do debates with him. hi-yahhh....
yitwail wrote:set, i give mr. guvernator credit for endorsing stem-cell research; puts him one up on our commander-in-chief in my scorecard.
that's true. thanks for the reminder.
To be quite honest, i'd consider Williams to be a train wreck of a politician . . . as for the Governator, i am often bemused to consider how little his agenda is politically correct in conservative terms . . .
Setanta wrote:To be quite honest, i'd consider Williams to be a train wreck of a politician . . . as for the Governator, i am often bemused to consider how little his agenda is politically correct in conservative terms . . .
what i get from it is that he's republican in the money department. past that, he's all barbarian, i guess.
And his purpose in life?
To crush your enemies, to zee dem drifen before you, and to hear deh lamentations of deir vimmin.
Setanta wrote:And his purpose in life?
To crush your enemies, to zee dem drifen before you, and to hear deh lamentations of deir vimmin.
crom ! zumday iyee vill half mineown kingkdum !
gotta be careful what ya wish for, right ? regal today, in rags tomorrow.
The new gig has got to be a helluva lot better than that Planet Hollywood loser he was runnin' . . .
You see how easy it is to get off point! You started talking about how crass it was for the anti-war crowd to picket outside the facility treating the wounded. Now you talking about Arnold.
In defense of the anti-war crowd, no one else seems to give a damn about our wounded. They don't talk about them on Rush or Hannity because talking about them would call attention to them.
Attention focused on them might be hard to take since many of them have lost arms and legs or had the skin burned off their bodies. Grotesque reminders of the cost of war.
I am sure that many of you contributing your opinions to this forum have never seen a wounded veteran. You've never seen a dead soldier or lost a close friend in war. I don't say this diminishes your right to opine, but it may in fact narrow your field of experience and hence leave you with less than all the information you need to weigh the cost of war.
I am a veteran. I volunteered. It's easy to criticize people who believe the war is a lie sitting behind a comfortable desk, it's harder to stand up and be counted. Anyone who believes that the anti-war protestors are wrong about this war and believe we should be fighting in Iraq, should not be contributing here, but should be at the enlistment center putting your ass where your mouths is.
cavolina wrote:I am sure that many of you contributing your opinions to this forum have never seen a wounded veteran. You've never seen a dead soldier or lost a close friend in war. I don't say this diminishes your right to opine, but it may in fact narrow your field of experience and hence leave you with less than all the information you need to weigh the cost of war.
I'm pretty sure, you don't know much about people contributing here.
She/He/It sure as hell doesn't know squat about me.
Nevertheless, she/he/it makes a valid point.
I don't agree at all. I spent three years in the United States Army Medical Corps, and likely have seen more mangled people and dead bodies than nine-tenths of the veterans who post here. That does not make my opinion more valid in such matters, or theirs less valid. That can easily be extended to those who never wore the uniform, who never heard a shot fired in anger, who have never seen the shattered corpse of a gun-shot victim.