msolga, I'm curious. What do you do for a living? You mentioned something about working with adolescents...are you a teacher? a counselor?
you can always claim it is something like food poisioning.. something that comes on fast, usually deals with bowels, stomach upset, fatigue etc..
and is gone with in 24-48 hours.
mental health day - what a good idea!
Today would have been the day - real problem exiting the bed this a.m. and the weather is bloody lovely.
goodfielder wrote:msolga thank you for that response - that's exactly what it feels like - a saturation point.
I remember back many years ago when I first worked full time for our union for a year I didn't take any sick days but for a couple of months during a particularly difficult and stressful industrial process I was getting home on a Friday night and spending the entire weekend in a daze before dragging myself back to work Monday morning. That was pure stress, I know it now.
And that's what it felt like, saturation.
Aargh - I hear you!
I went through a few years when I literally, sometimes, had to hold an eye open so I could see to drive to work - and almost all I ever did was work and sleep.
Stray Cat wrote:msolga, I'm curious. What do you do for a living? You mentioned something about working with adolescents...are you a teacher? a counselor?
You got it, Stray Cat!
A teacher!
Some days a great, others leave you hanging in by your fingernails.
shewolfnm wrote:you can always claim it is something like food poisioning.. something that comes on fast, usually deals with bowels, stomach upset, fatigue etc..
and is gone with in 24-48 hours.

I've done that one, shewolfnm!
margo wrote:hmmmm
mental health day - what a good idea!
Today would have been the day - real problem exiting the bed this a.m. and the weather is bloody lovely.
So, tomorrow, margo? :wink:
dlowan wrote:goodfielder wrote:msolga thank you for that response - that's exactly what it feels like - a saturation point.
I remember back many years ago when I first worked full time for our union for a year I didn't take any sick days but for a couple of months during a particularly difficult and stressful industrial process I was getting home on a Friday night and spending the entire weekend in a daze before dragging myself back to work Monday morning. That was pure stress, I know it now.
And that's what it felt like, saturation.
Aargh - I hear you!
I went through a few years when I literally, sometimes, had to hold an eye open so I could see to drive to work - and almost all I ever did was work and sleep.
Yes, we drive to work!
Sometimes bits of the trip are lost in the fog!

Been there, done that, too, Deb. What a thing to do to your/my ONE life!!!!!!!!!!
Wow! I admire you, msolga. I actually thought about being a teacher at one time.
Believe it or not, I thought about being a high school history teacher. I love history. And I also happened to have a fantastic history teacher when I was in high school. So he sorta inspired me.
I've always felt that history is a fascinating subject -- after all, it involves people, places and interesting things that happened -- but some teachers actually manage to make it boring
The teacher I had in high school was a perfect example of how to teach a fascinating subject like history -- and not lose the fascination part of it. (If that makes any sense!)
So, I got inspiried. I actually did some student teaching while in college. Of course, history is a high school subject, but I enjoyed the idea of teaching high schools kids (here in the states, history class would be taught at the junior (11th grade) level). So you'd be dealing with 16-17 year olds.
I thought that was waaaaay better than dealing with the middle school kids. You've really got to have some guts -- and nerves of steel -- to deal with the middle schools kids (11-13 year olds). No thanks!
The little kids in elementary schools are fun (ages 6-10) and of course kindergarten (you'd get the cute little five year olds)...but the middle schools kids ....Bah!! No way, I'd touch those brats with a ten foot pool.
But the high school kids can actually be kinda fun. They've settled down since their middle school years --- they want to impress you with how grown up they are -- and, of course, they have an opinion about everything! I enjoyed the student teaching with them.
Anyway, long story short, I didn't wind up being a teacher -- but sometimes I regret that. I think I would've liked teaching history on the high school level.
But, msolga, at the same time...I realize that's not an easy job...and I can easily see that it could be very stressful. I admire people like are working with the kids who will one day be the future...and probably not being rewarded the way you should be. It takes a special kind of person to do that.
Hang in there!
my current employer does not allow mental health days, only sick days.
i had a long discussion with my supervisor about it.
apparently its been a long-running policy of theirs.
so, when i need a day off i call in sick
Nothing wrong with that, RP.
You ARE sick...
...of working.
Stray Cat wrote:Wow! I admire you, msolga. I actually thought about being a teacher at one time. ....
.... I didn't wind up being a teacher -- but sometimes I regret that. I think I would've liked teaching history on the high school level.
But, msolga, at the same time...I realize that's not an easy job...and I can easily see that it could be very stressful. I admire people like are working with the kids who will one day be the future...and probably not being rewarded the way you should be. It takes a special kind of person to do that.
Hang in there!
Why, thank you, CL, very nice things you've said!
Yes teaching does have it's stressful moments, but it also (thank the goddess!) has some really satisfying stretches, too! It's a shame you didn't end up teaching history, but hey, you're still young! Who knows what you might end up doing? (Lots of teachers decided on this choice of career after doing other jobs for a time.) It's never too late to return to study to pursue something you've always wanted to do! Why not give that some thought, if the idea is still nagging away at you?

Region Philbis wrote:my current employer does not allow mental health days, only sick days.
i had a long discussion with my supervisor about it.
apparently its been a long-running policy of theirs.
so, when i need a day off i call in sick

They're not called "mental health days" here, either, RP, but so often they are! And you certainly know when that time comes, yes?
Here's a rather disturbing account of an episode involving someone I work with who really should consider her health & perhaps take some (extended?) time off: Another friend at work overheard "P" having a very loud, heated exchange our office, just the other day, with a student, apparently. The thing is, when my friend entered the office, she discovered there was no one else but "P" there! "P" appeared unphased by the intrusion, apparently. Dealing with "P" on a day to day basis is a little like walking on egg shells. You have to be careful, she is so highly strung. There are also regular, explosive conflicts between "P" & her students. They constantly complain about her to the administration. But having heard about this episode today, I'm now extremely concerned about her welfare. <sigh>
Eva wrote:Nothing wrong with that, RP.
You ARE sick...
...of working.
don't get me started!
msolga wrote:They're not called "mental health days" here, either, RP, but so often they are! And you certainly know when that time comes, yes?
yep -- about once every 6 weeks, if not sooner...
for whatever bizarre reason, i haven't had a bad cold in over 2 years.
being healthy as a horse is my particular cross to bear, and i deal with it as best i can
msolga wrote:Here's a rather disturbing account of an episode involving someone I work with who really should consider her health & perhaps take some (extended?) time off: Another friend at work overheard "P" having a very loud, heated exchange our office, just the other day, with a student, apparently. The thing is, when my friend entered the office, she discovered there was no one else but "P" there! "P" appeared unphased by the intrusion, apparently. Dealing with "P" on a day to day basis is a little like walking on egg shells. You have to be careful, she is so highly strung. There are also regular, explosive conflicts between "P" & her students. They constantly complain about her to the administration. But having heard about this episode today, I'm now extremely concerned about her welfare. <sigh>
Sounds like the sort of situation where a manager needs to be informed that this situation is inimical occ health and safety wise for the teacher - and the students???
dlowan wrote:msolga wrote:Here's a rather disturbing account of an episode involving someone I work with who really should consider her health & perhaps take some (extended?) time off: Another friend at work overheard "P" having a very loud, heated exchange our office, just the other day, with a student, apparently. The thing is, when my friend entered the office, she discovered there was no one else but "P" there! "P" appeared unphased by the intrusion, apparently. Dealing with "P" on a day to day basis is a little like walking on egg shells. You have to be careful, she is so highly strung. There are also regular, explosive conflicts between "P" & her students. They constantly complain about her to the administration. But having heard about this episode today, I'm now extremely concerned about her welfare. <sigh>
Sounds like the sort of situation where a manager needs to be informed that this situation is inimical occ health and safety wise for the teacher - and the students???
He (the principal) already knows a fair bit about the situation already, Deb. From the faculty coordinator, year level coordinators, students, etc. The woman who told me about this last incident was the faculty coordinator. I'm hoping she does take it up with the principal. I had no idea that things had gotten this bad. "P" is confusing - she has days when she's happy, relaxed & coping. Then others, when you you can almost feel the tension radiating coming from her. It's not a new situation, but it sounds as though it's getting worse.
Stress ?? What is that ??
the prince wrote:Stress ?? What is that ??
No idea, prince! Beats me!

<twitch twitch>
the prince wrote:Stress ?? What is that ??
Now, young man, since you have obviously not only been pampered but got built up by mama with real food as well ... :wink:
Welcome back, nevertheless ... and answer your question next week again