Wed 24 Aug, 2005 04:03 am
OK, you're very stressed. Exhausted, in fact.
So you take a day off work.
Question: what reason do you give for your absence from work? The truth? Or something else?
Stress is a pretty common condition in many work places, yet it's not quite acceptable to call your state what it is, it seems. So what DO you say?
Um, can someone tell me how to move this thread from "general news" to "general"? I must have been stressed when I posted it!
Speaking of sickies: I had one yesterday. Just felt tired, zombie-like & stressed & couldn't face the thought of a day of work. I returned today. Did I give the real reason for my absence? Of course not! Something about "pressing commitments" was my excuse. The interesting thing is EVERYONE is tired & stressed there, but it's a no no to say so!
Lol - click "report" on your first post, make it a "feature/de-feature/move" request, and type your request in nicely.
Oh - in my last job, as long as you did it seldom, and you didn't cause massive inconvenience, it was ok to admit to a "mental health day" every now and then.
But - for me - I have to give myself a "real" physical symptom before I can do it.
I was a director of a psych rehab program. The people out in the field had a stressful time of it, and burnout was always a problem. From time to time when I saw a staff member who appeared particularly stressed, I would say something like, "Time for a 'mental health' day".
My staff know that I had no problem with it, and ultimately the way that I handled things promoted more efficiency in the long run. I think that the staff appreciated that they did not have the need to lie. Also, if I knew in advance that someone would be out sick, I could plan for it, so it was a win-win situation.
I am horrible, If I don't want to go to work, I will say that I have been throwing up all night and I must have gotten a 24 hour bug and then I come in the next day perfectly fine.... I am always scared to say that I can't come in for personal reasons!
That might be wise.
You ARE their slave, you know, CL! :wink:
"Vegetative dystonia" is a reason to be on sick leave here (at least, it was some time ago).
Now tell me what it means, Walter!
Stress? What's stress? I don't believe in stress. I don't I tell ya. Who created the word? Stress is a figment of the imagination! I have never had a moment of stress in my life. No not one single moment...up until now when I have become quite stressed wondering if anybody will believe me when I say I have never had any stress.
As to what to do, I must admit to telling a semi-lie and saying I am not feeling well. Sometimes it is true only to the degree that, if I were to go to work I would feel ill by the end of a few hours and therefore would not be performing my duties as well as I should. Not really a problem I suppose since I am only a safety inspector of nuclear warheads

Feeling a wee bit stressed right now, Sturgis?
I work under conditions which allow three days sick without a doctor's note. Amazingly enough it's not abused all that much. However we do have to put in a formal written request for sick leave and in a separate form we have to explain what was wrong with us. It's very common for people to type "medical condition" without the specifics. Me, I write up all the symptoms
I do take the odd mental health day. I work by myself so it doesn't put anyone else under pressure, just means I have more to do when I get back. But I do think that there is a real need to do so. I don't know if it's stress or burnout or what it is but when I get back to work and back into it I think "what was wrong that I had to take a day off?" It seems a bit weird as I like my work.
Oh just a wee bit msolga nothing a few nail hammerings won't fix (amazing how stress can be relieved by hammering nails into boards).
I know what you mean, gf. I see it as reaching saturation point. One more bit (of whatever it is you do) just feels like a HUGE effort. Yes, it is a sort of burn out feeling. Amazing how just one day off the treadmill enjoying the illusion of freedom can perk one up!
Sturgis wrote:Oh just a wee bit msolga nothing a few nail hammerings won't fix (amazing how stress can be relieved by hammering nails into boards).
A bit of dirt under the fingernails (gardening) does it for me, Sturgis.
msolga thank you for that response - that's exactly what it feels like - a saturation point.
I remember back many years ago when I first worked full time for our union for a year I didn't take any sick days but for a couple of months during a particularly difficult and stressful industrial process I was getting home on a Friday night and spending the entire weekend in a daze before dragging myself back to work Monday morning. That was pure stress, I know it now.
And that's what it felt like, saturation.
There's something about "people intensive" jobs that does that to you, gf. I really enjoy it most of the time, but it's the constant alertness that's necessary, the listening, responding.... (and in my case: always trying to find a way to get the best of of the adolescents I work with. Appearing good natured when you mightn't quite be feeling that way. Keeping 'em on side and at it! It can be draining!)
i'm a big fan of the take the crap to work with you and spread it around, why should ibe stressed and miserable alone at home when i can share it with my coworkers