You mean his God will punish us?
Something like that, he may the punishment vistited upon the world for all our sins. He certainly wasn't a gift.
I don't think Bush does much more than any King. Everything is done for him, he just has to make appearances at the right time, right place and even if he doesn't - he is Ceasar. As for speeches, the only thing he does do - I can't stand to hear him talk. He is constantly censored for both content and diction. The guy is a complete screw up - the Emperor wears no clothes!
Yup, Emperor of the vacuous smirk and aimless strut.
BillW, The real problem is that this Ceasar wears too many clothes. Don't know when he's going to play Dr Jekyl or Mr Hyde. Something sweet may come out of his mouth, but the payoff is thousands dead. "We're going to bring freedom and democracy to Iraq!" That's the message most people buy. The hidden message is, "this is revenge for my dad, and we're gonna steal your oil. We're gonna kill as many Iraqi's as necessary to get this accomplished, and we're gonna use other people's kin to do the job!" c.i.
It is more than that. As Paul Krugman pointed out in a recent Times Op/Ed article, Bush's domestic policy is recreating an Oligarchy that has not been seen in this country since the Roosevelt Administration. His administration is systematically disassembling all of the social and economic accomplishments of the New Deal. He has to be taken seriously because if he is allowed to complete his goals this country will be returned to the world of the late 19th century in both foreign and domestic policy. If we want to be rid of him, we had better understand his strengths to more clearly see his weaknesses.
His personal strength is nothing. That is what is meant to be seen. He is the windmills that Don Quixote fought. The power is behind and beneath the air head. Fight the windmills and you leave the power to fester!
Quick question. He says he went to the Harvard B school. Did he actually receive a degree there? All I remember is hearing he went there - not that he actually graduated. Anybody know?
Aquiunk - hello. I don't share your view of even a high class clerk when it comes to Bush. Everybody speaks for him and about him - which isn't much evidence of anything. And when he speaks - well, if it goes one bit off the scripted line, he seems to be in trouble. The very limited press conferences do seem to bear this out.
But I guess when you've got big Rove there to watch out over you.....well.
Thanks, Piffka.
That very flattering bio also says he served as an F-102 fighter pilot in the Texas Air National Guard, which was a matter of dispute, apparently, since the records showed that he didn't even show up there.
I had two Junior Marksman medals for shooting, but I can't find them.
He was passed over a large number of other fliers to get in the Guard, when sent to Alabama and grounded (after a cocaine incident) he never showed and never flew.
The degree was a gift in that he amassed a whopping C- average and basically did not show for class there either.
This guy is a gift to mankind - not!
This is a rather old one, but I thought it appropriate to share with all of you at this time.
Click on the link, then wait for about a minute before you move your cursor on the picture. It's kind of funny. c.i.
If the presidency can be bought how difficult do you think buying degree could be.
Mamajuana -- Did you see the movie, "Dave": "I caught a fish T-H-I-S BIG"!?!
He knew, all right. Seven more women and children were killed as they tried to escape Saddam's stranglehold. I see this as a crime against humanity. c.i.
CI - while I do love seeing you, I think this one wandered in?
Tartarin - Boy, could we use a Dave. I, however, want no more Georges. I find I have developed an utter distaste for the name. Thank God no one in my family - to the best of my knowledge - is named George. We have a Gregory, but that's as close as we come.
Au - this is a wonderful country, in which anything can be bought. Maybe we can go lower than the presidency - there is no predicting the depths to which we can sink.
I thought a "B" rated actor was low, now a marketing dunce - no telling how low the Republicans are willing to go!