The truth is that scientist initially made the guess that the electromagnetic forces in nature cancel out.They don’t of course because it is impossible to cancel them out.No challenge on that one at all because there isn’t a scientist in the world that can prove that the electromagnetic forces between two spinning objects cancel.
These forces of nature are alive and kicking and saturate the cosmos and are not dictated to by matter at all,in fact they preceded all matter.A failed theory can claim otherwise as much as it likes.Who’s interested in failed theories.?
Matter is doing what it does in far distance fully formed galaxies just as it is doing in galaxies on our door step.It is appearing and disappearing from multiple holes.So there never was a single Big Bang and there never will be a single Big Crunch either.All that stuff has been invented by scientist with the aid of mathematical garb as Tesla said.
Clearly scientists needed to invent a new force following their cancellation assumption so the still unknown gravity force was born in the vain attempt to try and reinvent science.
Present scientific theories are unsymmetrical because they adopt half logic principles which were founded upon an incorrect guess.It’s logic is based upon +=- and -=+ possibility logic to the neglect of -=- and +=+ possibility logic.
If you want to know about REAL science that adopts KNOWN forces of nature and full possibility logic then you require a SYMMETRICAL science.
SYMMETRICAL science allows for PRESENCE because the electromagnetic forces in nature do not cancel out.They are balanced by the formula +/-=+/- something present scientific theories know nothing at all about because the scientist that practice it are UNAWARE and therefore not AWARE of what is actually happening in nature which is why they are doing a great job of confirming what isn’t happening in the cosmos.
PRESENCE and balanced electromagnetic fields remain after all the matter in the cosmos has disappeared into all the multiple holes.Holes that are described in REAL science as “glassy” because “glassy” is a the symmetrical scientific term.“Black” is an UNSYMMETRICAL term derived from unsymmetrical science.
PRESENCE understands all the sciences because PRESENCE understands that they are all interconnected and how they are interconnected.