From the pen of Stephen Crothers:
Cosmic inflation: Confidence lowered for Big Bang signal
Professor Marc Kamionkowski of Johns Hopkins University says that the criticism of BICEP2 claims are "science in action"; "If it was not such an exciting result, you would not be hearing so much about it"; "We're going to need confirmation by independent groups. That's the way things work in science. We don't believe things because somebody says they're true; we believe them because different people make the measurements independently and find the same results."
However, as is usual for astrophysical scientists, Professor Kamionkowski has not considered all the facts; far from it, and neither has Professor Clement Pryke of the BICEP2 team,
Professor Pierre-Marie Robitaille: The Cosmic Microwave Background
Professor Pierre-Marie Robitaille, ‘On the validity of Kirchhoff’s Law’
Robitaille P.-M.
WMAP: A Radiological Analysis
Robitaille P.-M.
COBE: A Radiological Analysis
Robitaille P.-M.
The Planck Satellite LFI and the Microwave Background: Importance of the 4K Reference Targets
BICEP2 Fallacies