PRESENCE is a definite term in REAL science.
PRESENCE must not be confused with Observer/Observed.If we talk Observer/Observed then to obtain symmetry we can only balance Observer/Observed by the formula Observer/Observed=Observer/Observed. I mean how would you ever decide what you were for goodness sake.... the observer or the observed? That just forms part of the dualistic "merry go round" or "hamsters wheel" as I call it.
PRESENCE is AWARE of this so does not associate with Observer or the Observed.
So rather than associate with the components of the system PRESENCE sees the overall balanced system and works within the constraints of it. An example of this being that the electromagnetic force interactions between two spinning objects cannot be cancelled out. They can only be VIBRATORY balanced,once gain by the formula +/-=+/- .PRESENCE does not associate with these two equal but opposite forces therefore.
PRESENCE has to be seen as completely separate from Observer or Observed.
Another term for PRESENCE is "i am"
Science has to start considering that the electromagnetic fields that saturate the cosmos preceded the big bangs and big crunches. The only reason it can't broaden its horizons to consider this possibility is because it is so hung up on the gravity theory which scientifically is a "one sided" theory. It therefore remains trapped in UNAWARENESS with this one sided theory.
Science requires a SYMMETRICAL theory.