I've often wondered what Rick d'Israeli's hat size is????
I don't wear hats, ever! Only the thought of it makes me brrr... :wink:
Although I realize that you don't have to wear a hat to know your hat size.
Hey, i'm new
Hi, everybody... Uhm, well, i'm Maggie and i'm new and i... i'm kinda shy, but hope to get soon over that:).
See ya around.
Welcome to A2K Maggie5554515, I hope you'll have a great time!
Re: Hey, i'm new
Maggie5554515 wrote:Hi, everybody... Uhm, well, i'm Maggie and i'm new and i... i'm kinda shy, but hope to get soon over that:).
See ya around.
Welcome to A2k !! Kinda shy ? hmmmm.... that makes it the two of us
how do i get into the cancer survivors group?
i found you all via googling a question i had about why cancer survivors who have had chemo can't donate blood--and i thought your posts were interesting.
how do i route myself into this group?
Hey, Susurrus!
There's no such thing as cliques or leftover people here on A2K. I hope that you enjoy it here. If you wish to find out about that issue, perhaps you should try either the Reference board, or the Medical one.
Hi, susurrus, it's a lovely name you have.
A2k has quite a wide selection of forums and topics on those forums. If you have any trouble navigating the site, check in at the Forum Help category (see the forum index at the top of the page) and someone will help.
Rick d'Israeli wrote:Although I realize that you don't have to wear a hat to know your hat size.
See...enquiring minds want to know these things!
Hi I'm kiki came across this site doing a search and it looked quite interesting so I've joined up and thought I had better pop in and say hi, catch ya round
Hello all,
Just wanted to say hi as I am a new member. I have read a few threads and really like this site a lot. Hoped I could add something to a thread in the Science & Math forum. I am a bit new to posting on internet forums so I hope i'm in the right place here and want to say thanks in advance.
And it seems i've made a mistake already, I just looked at my post here and have no idea where the link came from? I did not put that there.
Seems the link I was seeing was part of the site here and im just a newbie
thanks for the PM and fixing that
Hello, Hamal, we were all newbies once, and some of us who are not new at it are less swift than others at navigating the internet. People are pretty helpful here.
Greetings. I am resident in London (United Kingdom) having moved down from my native Scotland about thirty years ago to seek fame and fortune - they are still hiding somewhere.
Welcome to A2K IanFergus; glad to have you here. A2K has lots of members from your side of the pond.