Accept no Substitutes.
CI, 'tis I, fatima10. good to *see* you.
I posted, actually someone else posted a bunch of words, which some may consider poetry. It is posted on Original writing page...and CI was having Way toooo much fun that day of march 19th! Kidding!'
Am I too new to welcome those who are newer than me?
Certainly, thank you for the hellos I have received.
I do not yet know the rules, around here,
Don't worry about the "rules", Fatima 10!
Just enjoy yourself!
Art !! Welcome !! Oh god 50 was such a long time ago I dont even remember !!!
Don't think I'll believe that

Anyway, 50 means nothing, I've never felt more like 16, except that I learned a few things.
Well hello there Art! Welcome!
OOh, I've been remiss. Welcome all! :-D
ArtUnbound- Hark! A name from the past. A hearty welcome to you. Glad that you are here!
Welcome to all the other new members!
Welcome Artunbound, I remember you well from Abuzz days-where I was biggestal0 and hereiamagain-condensed by hofT (helen of troy) to HIAMA
Hi art, WELCOME to A2K. You'll see a whole bunch of Abuzzards here, so you'll feel right at home. c.i.
Just stumbled on this site by chance! Thought I'd say Hello as I have a feeling I will be around here for a while
Welcome dek, Sorry you're about one month late getting to A2K. We had a A2K London Gathering on March 20 to meet other A2Kers in person. Most from the UK, but one from Germany, and one from California (me). It was a grand time had by all, and other A2K Gatherings are now in process or in planning stages as we speak. Maybe, you can join one of them. c.i.
What a friendly bunch of people, nice to meet you all.
Cow? what cow?
Ci, yes I saw the post, maybe I can get along to the next one
Welcome aboard Dek, maybe it's a woc?