Re: Welcome to the New Members!
Moderator wrote:Everyone here at Able2Know wants to welcome you!
Do you have questions about how to use the site, or how the site works? Try the Forum Help forum or ask a staff member (we're all identified with titles under our names, such as Moderator).
Want to post a topic? Go to the forum you want the topic to be in, click on "new topic" and start typing. Click submit when you're ready, and your topic will emerge for all A2Kers to read.
Able2Know, we like to think, is the finest and friendliest community on the Internet. Welcome - we hope you enjoy your stay! :-D
Able2Know: Ask questions, get answers.
I have no clue how to work this site but i will try my best.
yes,try because: Practice makes perfect. welcome
IanFergus wrote:Greetings. I am resident in London (United Kingdom) having moved down from my native Scotland about thirty years ago to seek fame and fortune - they are still hiding somewhere.
Hehe! Haven't you heard about the Scot who came to London because he thought the streets were paved with gold!!?
Welcome to A2K where the virtual streets are paved with anything you choose - and I have struck gold many times.
What "AL LO DAVAR" means?
Hi, all.
A friend of mine responded to my thanks with "Al lo davar". I am lost.
Please, tell me, what did he say?
Hey! I just started here a few minutes ago. This site seems very friendly and extremely extensive. Lately, I've been on a forum kick, trying to find as many new, interesting, and active forums as I can, and I found this one among my searches. I already know that I will find tons to do here!
(And unlike some forums using vBulletin, which has a minimum post requirement for avatars, phpBB doesn't, so you are already ahead in my mind.)
Re: What "AL LO DAVAR" means?
Welcome to A2K to both
zora wrote: "Al lo davar".
That´s an hebrew phrase means: You're welcome
My Introduction
My name is Chrystalle and I am seeking help in Algebra 2 and Trig.
hello everybody

my name is Ania and I'm from Poznan in Poland ;] I was looking for some hebrew-english dictionary on-line but I haven't found yet:/ I'm afraid becasue english is my foreign language so you now .. my posts may be incorrect

But I hope that you'll have forbearance for me

and I won't lose in this forum ;] any mistakes? ;P
Dzien dobry, groszi!
We have many members here who speak English as a second (or third) language. We're usually very patient and understanding when it comes to their posts. If you have specific language questions, look in the English forum.
Hey all. Name's Soda. Kinda found the A2K by accident while surfing for a different thread, but took a look around anyway. Think I might stay for a while :wink: Seems to me there's a lot of interesting topics and I like the fact that the forums aren't just stuck on a common theme like most others...
Not too much for posting, but you may see me around here or there.
Hello, I stumbled onto this board from a Google search and got engrossed in a thread about Costa Rica. Anyway, I'm a fourth-year public high school teacher in southern California so I may be participating in the teaching forum. I'm also thinking of cashing out of my house and moving back to the midwest in order to obtain a better way of life for my family on a teacher's salary.
Nice to have you here, bleibalien.
welcome to a2k * three.....
Newbie on board !!
Hi everyone !! I'm new here, mommaprude's the name, and I'm not like that at all !! LOL---I found this site by accident, and I think I like it !! I'll jump around and see you all soon !!
Welcome, mommaprude. Jump all you want, just be careful where you land.

Hi Everyone I am new to this site, and I having had time yet to explore. I've read a few things, and that is it, and it seems quite interesting.
Hello everybody
Best regards from Poland.
Welcome to our new friend from Poland-Dzien dobre