I guess I'm outta the loop again, as usual. I'd never heard the expression BFE in any form before in my life. (But, then again, I'm taken aback when running into A2K posters who've never heard of Abuzz. A2K was started by Abuzz emigres and dissidents. Abuzz will be missed.)
But, more to the point, welcome to all newbies!
Greetings to all
I just stumbled onto this site and it looked like a very interesting group.
"Thok: the first to say you're welcome"

Would be a great slogan!
But "you're welcome" is not the same meaning as "welcome". ;-)
My sincere apologies, Sir Thok
Old Abuzzard me be, and because it said so in the automatic Private Mail message to do so, I come here to say hello...
Welcomed you already on another thread you connectedwith, ehem, hihp, I wanted to say
Yes, welcome.
Just wondering- as an old Abuzz hand myself- since Abuzz RIP has closed, how many people came across into A2K? Does anyone have a handle on that?
And, how many are we now?
Also, Abuzz had a few good features which I'm sure Craven would put on here of he had the time.
Such as, most popular threads. That was interesting to see.
Anyway, it's nice here. I like it. Welcome.
21550 members as of this count.
Welcome aboard, hihp! Lots of us ole Abuzzards floatin' around here.
G'day hihp
Welcome to our home!
Merry Andrew wrote:Lots of us ole Abuzzards floatin' around here.
... or in Hawai or in "Cowboy countries" ... :wink:
But floating anyway, Walter.
Well, I didn't deny that
[Just imagining a "roof floater"

Well, so far I like it, 'twould just be nice if this didn't look and be so much liek phpBB
Walter Hinteler wrote:... or in Hawai or in "Cowboy countries" ... :wink:
I would prefer from Hawaii to Haiti. ;-)