Let's just say Caps listens to Egyptian music
Welcome to the huige influx of people since Abuzz is closing, and to others non Abuzz related.....
*congo beat*
welcome welcome welcome
welcome welcome welcome
An Onyx sighting!
panzade wrote:An Onyx sighting!
oops. am i that rare around here these days? man o man - i've gotta get in more :wink:
I've always wondered, what's Abuzz??
Sweet new avatar mc...All I know is Abuzz is like a grandfather to A2K who just had their life support system turned off
Thanks Panzade... He's so cute, huh? *flaps imaginary wings and quacks* I see Abuzz mentioned here a lot. I feel so left out of the loop...

*Tries to shout above the congo music*
That's an apt way of describing it, Panzade.
(Aw, that's cute, Mc ;D)
I feel the same about Abuzz mc. I really believe A2k skimmed the cream and they landed here.
onyxelle wrote:panzade wrote:An Onyx sighting!
oops. am i that rare around here these days? man o man - i've gotta get in more :wink:
I was just saying that myself....different context....
i see someone did his homework haha
I really thought everyone knew that expression though. maybe its just something we country people say though
Although I always add East to the adress.