@steve reid,
Quote: For over 50 years I believed that the world was in colour until I came to understand that colour is a perception, created by the brain that exists only in the mind, in a sense colour is an illusion, or my reality. The point is knowing this doesn't change how I see the world only how I understand it.
A human sensor, is that which responds to a physical stimulus (such as heat, light, sound, pressure, magnetism, or a particular motion) and transmits a resulting impulse to the brain.
You have heard that if a tree were to fall in the forest there would be no sound, only silent shock waves radiating out from the point of impact, unless there was a created ear or sound sensor, which those silent waves could strike, resulting in electric impulses being sent to the brain, which perceives those silent waves as sound.
Sensors are the eyes and ears of electronics, they monitor external stimuli such as sound, light, pressure, and heat etc, and convert them into signals for your microcontroller to process. All such things such as sight, sound, smell, taste, touch, etc, etc, are secondary creations, that need a created observer to exist.
The molecules released by flowers have no scent, it takes a sensor such as in humans and most animals, [
a created nose] to transmit the message they receive from those flowers as electric pulses to the brain, which interprets that message as a sweet aroma.
I am a triad being consisting of Body, Soul, and Spirit=mind. The body is created from the universal elements and must return to the elements from which it is created. The Soul is the divine animating principle that pervades the entire universe activating all within, and like the elements, the soul must also return to the ‘
GREAT THOUGHT’ which is made manifest as this visible universe, while the Spirit is the invisible mind which is the
‘I Am,’ that is imprinted upon the eternal universal Soul, which Soul must return to the ‘
GREAT THOUGHT,’ with or without the ‘
I Am,’ that is either accepted into the
GREAT THOUGHT, or rejected, and if rejected, it is separated from the eternal Soul and ceases to exist.
YOU,” as a human being, are Body, Soul and Spirit, but “
YOU” the invisible mind, are spirit.
This body that you see It isn’t really me
It’s but the womb in which I’m being formed
For I am spirit, I am mind
And it’s the only place you’ll find
‘Who I Am’ until the day I’m finally born
For I will not be free, until this body that you see
Has returned to the earth from whence it came
It’s then that I’ll be born from this womb in which I’m formed
To carry on in life’s eternal game. …. The Anointed.
If that body, which is the temporary tent in which is gathered your parental spirit who dwells behind the veil of the flesh, within the innermost sanctuary of that tent, were born without the sense of sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch, etc, then no information whatsoever could be taken into the brain, and “
YOU” who are spirit [
Gathered information] could never have begun to develop and the living body, in which the parental spirit dwells, would soon die, never having developed a personality or “
CONTROLLING GODHEAD” to that body, which godhead should be an obedient servant to “
Then of the Thee in Me who works behind The veil,
I lifted up my hands to find A lamp amid the Darkness;
and I heard, As from Without----
“The Me within Thee is blind.”----- By Omar Khayyam.
When the body in which you [
the mind] are being formed, dies,
[This is the first death] and your body of “skin, flesh, muscle, blood, bone, brain matter etc, etc,” has returned to the universal elements from which it was created, all that remains, is a shadow or rather, a facsimile of
YOU, the mind or spirit, that has been imprinted into the universal life force or soul, which returns to ‘
THE GREAT THOUGHT,’ which has become all that exists and is the collective consciousness of all that exists from which 'YOU' could be resurrected in this cycle, or the next cycle of universal activity.
Every living thing within this apparent boundless cosmos, are merely information gatherers for the eternal energy which manifests itself as this living universe and is all that exists and is, ’
The Great Thought’ the collective consciousness of all that exists. At any given point in time, you are no more than inches away from a spider, fly, ant, or any other of the many information gatherers of the eternal, who is all that exists.
Jeremiah 23: 23-24; “I am a God who is everywhere and not in one place only. No one can hide where I cannot see him. Do you not know that I am everywhere in heaven and on earth?
He has eyes and ears everywhere.