How does the gravity theory fit into actual observation?

steve reid
Mon 29 May, 2023 03:34 am
I know, I must be a glutton for punishment
Mon 29 May, 2023 04:55 am
@steve reid,
I have been taken in by nothing at all.

Modern day scientist have been taken in by nonsense half logic +/-…-/+

Nature adopts full logic in its construction.This is and always has been the case as definitively proven by the 4 off electromagnetic force interaction -/-…-/+…+/-…+/+.

My philosophy; science and psychology are perfectly sound unlike modern day science; philosophy and psychology which is failing by observation because of the idiots who have invented half logic theories and massaged formulas.

Come on Steve Reid if you haven’t found information on why the latest photo are having huge implications for modern day science then you ain’t looking hard enough.Don’t go on the idiot web sites that are trying to still fit the actual observed evidence into idiotic half logic theories.

The Anointed
Mon 29 May, 2023 06:01 am
@steve reid,
I assumed God created the universe, then set in motion the Big Bang which spawned the EMS, but if both God and energy are eternal one could not create the other, or perhaps God and energy are one and the same, is this what you are implying with the great thought?.

440 BC - Democritus and Leucippus suggested the idea of the atom, an indivisible particle that all matter is made of. To the ancient Greeks the word atom meant indivisible. It was used to describe the smallest indivisible piece of a matter. Atom was derived from the Greek word atomon or atomos meaning indestructible

In the days of Paul, it was believed by faith alone, that all visible matter in the universe was built by the gathering together of smaller and invisible particles. Today we know this to be a fact, Matter is but the gathering together of invisible molecules, created by the gathering together of invisible atoms, which themselves are created from the gathering of invisible sub-atomic particles that are formed from Photons or wave particles, which are not particles at all, although generally regarded as discrete stable elementary particles, having zero mass, no electric charge, yet carrying angular and linear momentum. . . . . . . . .

In fact, it has now been revealed that matter is no more than an illusion. Quantum physicists discovered that so called physical atoms are made up of vortices of energy that are constantly spinning and vibrating, each one radiating its own unique energy signature.

If you observe the composition of an atom with a microscope you would see a small, invisible tornado-like vortex, with a number of infinitely small energy vortices called quarks and photons. These are what make up the structure of the atom. As you focused in closer and closer on the structure of the atom, you would see nothing, you would observe a physical void. The atom has no physical structure, we have no physical structure, physical things really don’t have any physical structure! Atoms are made out of invisible energy, not tangible matter.

Energy can be and is converted to that which we perceive as matter. In fact, this apparent material universe at the time of the Big Bang, was, according to the most popular theory of the creation of this universe, pure electromagnetic energy, which, In my Opinion, was spewed out of a WHITE HOLE, in the trillions upon trillions of degrees, or, according to scientific measurements (180 million trillion, trillion degrees Fahrenheit), which electromagnetic energy has been converted to that which we perceive as matter, only to be reconverted to its original form as electromagnetic energy during the phase of the Big Crunch, when all will be ripped apart atom by atom, subatomic particle by subatomic particle, and fall as fire into the Great Abyss, or Black Hole that is connected to a White Hole at the end of an Einstein Rosen bridge that connects the two.

Pioneering physicist Sir James Jeans wrote: “The stream of knowledge is heading toward a non-mechanical reality; the universe begins to look more like ‘A GREAT THOUGHT’ than like a great machine. Mind no longer appears to be an accidental intruder into the realm of matter, we ought rather hail it as the creator and governor of the realm of matter. (R. C. Henry, “The Mental Universe”; Nature 436:29, 2005)

This would appear to compliment Paul’s statement in Romans 1: 18-23; that the eternal, who has neither beginning or end, had made himself manifest as this visible cosmos, and all that can be known about the eternal has been made plain to us in the creation itself, which is the eternal invisible MIND, ‘The GREAT THOUGHT’ made visible as it has evolved today.

And that which we call God, through whom all things were created, by whom all things were created and for whom all things were created, the God, who is one, the great singularity in who all things exist, is the same today as it was yesterday and will be into all eternity. It is the eternal constant, in that it has been constantly evolving, and will continue to evolve from everlasting to everlasting. The only mind that can cease to evolve, is the mind that has ceased to exist.

Mon 29 May, 2023 06:14 am
@steve reid,
And the annointed is like one of those little old ladies starved for attention who monopolises the counter in front of you at the post office by talking about her cat, her neighbours, her neighbours cat and how she never liked Philip Schofield anyway.
0 Replies
Mon 29 May, 2023 12:01 pm
The gravity theory is an attraction theory based on +/-..-/+ logic which stems from a good is bad and bad is good philosophy.

This theory had no chance of succeeding because you also need a repulsion theory based upon -/- ..+/+ logic which stems from good is good and bad is bad philosophy.

The only system in nature that can provide a vibratory balanced system utilising + and - forces which do not cancel out is an electromagnetic system.


Consciousness can now be balanced at the psychological level which confirms the legitimacy of the theory.

The Anointed
Mon 29 May, 2023 05:24 pm
@steve reid,
I assumed God created the universe, then set in motion the Big Bang which spawned the EMS, but if both God and energy are eternal one could not create the other, or perhaps God and energy are one and the same, is this what you are implying with the great thought?.

The Buddhists believe in an eternal oscillating universe that expands out of the seemingly darkness of nothingness only to later return to its origin and disappear into the seemingly nothingness, to later reappear once again.

“Universe after universe is like an interminable succession of wheels forever coming into view, forever rolling onwards, disappearing and reappearing; forever passing from being to non-being, and again from non-being to being. In short, the constant revolving of the wheel of life in one eternal cycle, according to fixed and immutable laws, is perhaps after all, the sum and substance of the philosophy of Buddhism. And this eternal wheel has so to speak, ‘SIX’ spokes representing ‘SIX’ forms of existence.” - --- Mon. Williams, Buddhism, pp. 229, 122.

The Hebrews believe that the creator God created the universe of today through a succession of ‘SIX’ separate generations, see Genesis 2: 4; concerning the SIX periods of creation or ‘SIX’ creative days (These are the 'GENERATIONS, of the heavens and earth=universe when they were created.)

The Hindu believes that the days and nights of Brahma are called Manvantara, or the cycle of manifestation, ‘The Great Day,’ which is a period of universal activity, that is preceded, and also followed by ‘Pralaya,’ a dark period, which to our finite minds would seem as an eternity, or but a moment in time.

To the Hindu, Brahman, is the divine reality of the universe, the eternal spirit from who all being originates and to who all must return at the close of each period of universal activity.

‘Manvantara,’ is a creative day as seen in the 'SIX' days of creation in Genesis, ‘Pralaya,’ is the evening that proceeds the next creative day. The 'SIX' periods of Creation and the seventh day of rest in which we now exist are referred to in the book of Genesis 2: 4; as the “GENERATIONS OF THE UNIVERSE.”

The English word “Generation,” is translated from the Hebrew “toledoth,” which is used in the Old Testament in every instance as ‘births,’ or ‘descendants,’ such as “These are the generations of Adam,” or “these are the generations of Abraham, and Genesis 2: 4; it is written concerning the 'SIX' days of creation; “These are the generations of the Universe or the heavens and earth, etc.” And the ‘Great Day’ in which the seven generations of the universe are eternally repeated, is the eternal cosmic period, or the eighth day, which is a day eternal with neither hours, days, weeks, months or years, for all time is stuck together in one aeon, etc, etc, in which those who attain to perfection, are allowed to enter, where they shall be surrounded by great light and they shall experience eternal peace, while those who do not attain to perfection are cast back into the refining fires of the seven physical cycles of endless rebirths that perpetually revolve within the eighth day, the eternal cosmic cycle. And all who enter into the generation of the Light beings, are able to visit all those worlds that still exist in Space-Time, but not in our time.

The ’SIX’ generations of the universe are seen as a series of worlds following one upon the other-- each world rising a step higher than the previous world, so that every later world brings to ripeness the seeds that were imbedded in the former, and itself then prepares the seed for the universe that will follow it.
0 Replies
Mon 29 May, 2023 10:26 pm
The universe did not begin with a single Big Bang and it will not end with a single Big Crunch either.The JWT observations have confirmed this.That is why the half logic idiot scientists are so concerned and are now getting desperate and are too embarrassed to announce that they have got it wrong and their theories are nonsense.

The galaxies that are present just before the single Big Bang was supposed to have happened are mature galaxies.

The universe does vibrate but it doesn’t vibrate because of the explanation given by half logic idiot scientist.

It vibrates due to electromagnetic forces.

The electromagnetic fields that saturate the universe being the uniting factor for the macro and micro which causes everything to spin within the universe which creates the 2 electromagnetic forces which interact in the 4 off possible ways -/-…-/+…+/-…+/+ and do not cancel out but vibratory balance due to the formula +/-=+/-

This theory has yet to be proved incorrect unlike modern day science theories which have.

As I say.If you let atheists loose with your science then you are asking for trouble.

Buddhist need to try and balance consciousness.Any fool can go inward and do the dualistic meditation stuff.

The Anointed
Mon 29 May, 2023 11:58 pm
The universe did not begin with a single Big Bang and it will not end with a single Big Crunch either.The JWT observations have confirmed this.That is why the half logic idiot scientists are so concerned and are now getting desperate and are too embarrassed to announce that they have got it wrong and their theories are nonsense.

The galaxies that are present just before the single Big Bang was supposed to have happened are mature galaxies.

The JWT observations confirms that you are lying in your statement that there were galaxies Present before the B.B.

Apparently, you didn't bother to read the link provided by Steve, but others have and know you for liar that you are.

Here is an excerpt from Steves link.

The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has not disproved the Big Bang, despite an article about a pseudoscientific theory that went viral in August, and which mischaracterized quotes from an astrophysicist to create a false narrative that the Big Bang didn't happen.

Although the James Webb Space Telescope has only been conducting science operations for a few months, it has already made some iconic discoveries, including the detection of what could be some of the earliest galaxies ever seen, that existed just 200 million years after the Big Bang. Although issues with calibrating the instruments might mean that some of these galaxies are not as distant as first thought, JWST has almost certainly broken the record with some of them.

Did you read that J10. 'The EARLIEST galaxies ever seen, existed some 200 million years 'AFTER' the Big Bang and not 'BEFORE,' as you would have everyone believe with your lying words,

Your lying posts should be and will be ignored.
Tue 30 May, 2023 12:26 am
@The Anointed,
I am not lying The Anointed.

Matter is entering and exiting the universe at multiple points at varying timescales and observations are confirming this. Even the idiot half logic scientists know this.

This means that if all matter were to disappear into these multiple holes then the electromagnetic fields that saturate the universe at the macro and the micro would remain and these holes don't stop vibrating.

Please explain how the JWT observations prove the single big bang and big crunch theory and the gravity theory for that matter.

Please explain why the electromagnetic fields can't remain after all matter has disappeared and why they weren't present before any big bangs and big crunches bearing in mind that the single big bang/big crunch theory which guessed that these electromagnetic fields came after the single BB & BC has failed.

If you don't think that the theory has failed then please explain why.

Tue 30 May, 2023 12:26 am
@The Anointed,
According to an alternative theory, you cannot cancel the electromagnetic field forces in the universe. All you can do is vibratory balance them by the formula +/-=+/-

Tue 30 May, 2023 02:42 am
The latest scientific model can't possibly be correct because the 2 different consciousness states are affected by electromagnetic field forces which vibratory balance due to the formula +/-=+/-

All sciences are interconnected.
0 Replies
The Anointed
Tue 30 May, 2023 03:06 am
All ignored..
0 Replies
steve reid
Tue 30 May, 2023 04:04 am
How can you expect anyone to take you seriously Jasper, when you make statements that if true would give credence to your theories, but can't show where these statements originate. Until YOU show otherwise I have to assume these statements are figments of your imagination.
steve reid
Tue 30 May, 2023 04:07 am
@The Anointed,
The Anointed wrote:

In fact, it has now been revealed that matter is no more than an illusion. Quantum physicists discovered that so called physical atoms are made up of vortices of energy that are constantly spinning and vibrating, each one radiating its own unique energy signature.

If you observe the composition of an atom with a microscope you would see a small, invisible tornado-like vortex, with a number of infinitely small energy vortices called quarks and photons. These are what make up the structure of the atom. As you focused in closer and closer on the structure of the atom, you would see nothing, you would observe a physical void. The atom has no physical structure, we have no physical structure, physical things really don’t have any physical structure! Atoms are made out of invisible energy, not tangible matter.

For over 50 years I believed that the world was in colour until I came to understand that colour is a perception, created by the brain that exists only in the mind, in a sense colour is an illusion, or my reality. The point is knowing this doesn't change how I see the world only how I understand it.

And so if matter turns out to be an illusion, not tangible, I would happily accept it, but like colour, it would not change my perception of touch only how I understand it.

As to why I asked about 'let there be light'.

I believe there is no 'Light' and 'Dark' in the real world outside of our minds, as our perception of 'Light' and 'Dark' are creations by the brain that exist only in the mind. In the real world outside of our minds there is radiation which has 3 properties, wavelenght, frequency and energy. Light does not have a property of colour nor is it light or dark.

I assume our perception of 'Dark' is because no radiation is falling on the retina and so the brain has no data to work with.
Tue 30 May, 2023 04:43 am
@steve reid,
Steve Reid-The single big bang theory is failing by observation. Have you actually taken in what that means for the present scientific model? Obviously not. The gravity theory will fail for starters and then there will be a domino effect with other half logic theories.

Modern day scientist cannot claim that the electromagnetic fields did not precede the MULTIPLE big bangs and and it cannot claim that once all matter disappears that the electromagnetic fields won't still be there because they don't know. They can GUESS. They can HOPE.

It's only failed theories that are claiming that the electromagnetic fields came after a single big bang and will disappear in a single big crunch.

Utter nonsense of course.

Tue 30 May, 2023 05:43 am
Jasper10 wrote:

I am not lying The Anointed.

You're too thick to lie.
0 Replies
The Anointed
Tue 30 May, 2023 05:44 am
@steve reid,
For over 50 years I believed that the world was in colour until I came to understand that colour is a perception, created by the brain that exists only in the mind, in a sense colour is an illusion, or my reality. The point is knowing this doesn't change how I see the world only how I understand it.

And so if matter turns out to be an illusion, not tangible, I would happily accept it, but like colour, it would not change my perception of touch only how I understand it.

Without a created observer there is nothing, remove the observers and the universe disappears.
Tue 30 May, 2023 06:07 am
Now that half logic theories have failed. All the calcs that support these theories need to be trashed.

Science needs to start again with full logic theories and develop a new model which captures all the sciences.
Tue 30 May, 2023 07:53 am
And these idiot scientists need to stop claiming that we are nothing more than consciousness when they know nothing at all about consciousnesses.

They need to get their science right before they will be able to understand consciousness.
Tue 30 May, 2023 09:41 am
You cannot understand consciousness with half logic science and philosophy which is why these idiot scientists haven't got a clue.

The consciousness experience is related to electromagnetic field balanced but vibrating forces which is explained by full logic science and philosophy.


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