@Mitko Gorgiev,
Gravity? …..What is gravity?
Here is another theory for you……electromagnetic fields were around at exactly the same time as big bangs and big crunches.Why do electromagnetic fields have to come after big bangs? That is just a guess based upon modern day science’s HALF logic science/philosophy…..which incidentally starts off with the assumption/guess that good is bad and bad is good at the philosophical level and then continues on into its science with 0/1…1/0 only logic.This is the foundation for all modern day scientific equations…..What about 0/0…1/1 logics?…don’t forget them.The magnetism theory doesn’t.
The magnetism theory is a better theory than the gravity theory because it is a full theory that allows for all 4 off logic combinations 0/0…0/1…1/0…1/1.Ha Ha …..This stuff does izzy’s head in.
The magnetism theory states that the cosmos (macro/micro) operates due to electromechanical processes which produce the above 4 off +/- logic force combinations.This is confirmed by the 4 off possible interactions we observe when you bring two magnets together.Therefore nature confirms the legitimacy of the magnetism theory.
The magnetism theory is a full theory that can explain big bangs and big crunches.The gravity theory is a half theory that can only explain big crunches.
The magnetism theory is therefore a better theory than the gravity theory.
The magnetism theory states that as electromagnetic fields were around at the same time as big bangs/big crunches then this is the reason things spin in the cosmos thus producing the electromagnetic effects which result in the 4 off possible force interactions that explain big bangs/big crunches.
The faster things spin the greater the magnetic force produced.