Quote:Sarkin, a convert to Islam from an Orthodox Jewish family in New Jersey, had the children take turns reading Chapter 9 of IQRA's "Mercy to Mankind," titled "Relations With the Jews Worsen.
The text cited numerous failings and offenses by "the Jews," a repeated formulation that blurred the distinction between Medina's Jewish tribes and, say, the Jews of present-day Israel.
"The Muslims wanted to live in peace with the Jews, but the Jews did not like the Muslims," recited Sarkin, who was wearing a long-sleeved gray robe and a tan hijab, or head covering. "They did not believe in Muhammed. They thought only a Jew could be a prophet."
Well, the worst anti-Semites are the self-hating Jews (example: chief of the security service in the Third Reich Mr. Reinhard T. Heydrich allegedly had Jewish grandparents), just as the most violent homophobes may appear being latent gays...
Anti-Semitic propaganda was a central issue in the history lessons in the Palestinian Authority schools in the middle of the peace process, government of Rabin-Peres kept a blind eye on it, and the results of such indoctrination are being implemented since September 2000.
I have a leave from my army service until Thursday, and I am happy to be back on A2K.]