Quote:What's funny is, progressive bigots always wonder why the targets of their bigotry vote against them.
No, we don't wonder about that because they don't vote against progressives, they vote for having lower taxes (which, unless they are rich, they don't get), they vote for having "smaller government" and "less regulation and waste".
They don't get any of those either.
What they do get is shittier roads, cracked bridges, electrical grids that are able to supply industries but not people's houses. They get lousy medical services and an equal dollop of police who are too stupid to do their jobs and fire departments that haven't upgraded their equipment or training since Reagan was President.
They get education systems on a par with those of Namibia, but they don't know that (or where Namibia is). They do get really good football programs that enrich coaches and their staffs. They graduate incredible numbers of men who now, armed with a degree, but without a football draft pick, can't do anything beyond manage a Tastee-Freeze for one of their uncles.
The best read among them are the preachers. There is probably no greater competition anywhere in the world that is more intense than trying to get a pastorship at a mega-church. Winning that battle will get you a job that will pump money into your back pocket. Buy a nice suit and always smile unless you are yelling at the Devil.
We progressives are the idiots in this game. Afterall, the red states of the South (with the exception of Texas) pay in far less to the Feds than it paid out to them. That's our money. But it's already skimmed off by the time any regular person gets near it.
Joe(They just sit and wonder why)Nation