No. Just, no.
Even if she likes you at all (and you have zero context or clues beyond your own fevered imagination), she wouldn't be in the same place as you emotionally.
This isn't Star Trek, where you can start off in one place and, in a manner of seconds, materialize in another place, miles and miles from the first. We live in a world where you can't do that, where getting from point A to point Z means you have to go through point B, point C, etc.
Consider relationships the same way. You can't skip all the in-between stuff, of getting to know someone and asking them out before you start measuring them for a wedding gown.
If you just want a quick roll in the hay, you can buy that, fer chrissakes. But if you want a relationship with someone, no matter what the movies say, you have to go along a path. Will people go along that path always the same way? Of course not.
But, "hello, I love you, won't you tell me your name?" are lyrics to a song by the Doors. They're not a manual for how to live.
Talk to her about something other than work. Ask her if she'd like to get a soda (yes, I really mean that -- it's not alcoholic, no real commitment, and you're both around coffee so much I imagine you're sick of it by day's end).
PS you don't have to tell me, but your actions and your coping mechanisms scream
autism spectrum to me. If routines and procedures appeal to you, then understand that your plan has no procedural context whatsoever.
While the vast majority of human beings don't follow perfect procedural pathways in relationships or in really any other area, I can tell you for a fact that coming up to someone you barely talk to and blurting out that you love them is going to creep out virtually everyone.
If you do this, you will blow even the most meager of chances that you
might have to go on a date with her, let alone start a meaningful relationship.
So, don't do it.