McGentrix wrote:Yeah, like the military isn't like 75% conservative...

don't be obtuse. you
know i'm talking about the leadership.
2004 Democratic Ticket
Senator John F. Kerry
Lt., U.S. Navy 1966-70; Silver Star, Bronze Star with Combat V, 3 Purple Hearts.
Senator John Edwards
No military service.
Prominent Democrats
Former President Bill Clinton
No military service.
Former President Jimmy Carter
U.S. Navy, Naval Academy graduate, submarine officer, 7 years active duty.
Former Vice President Al Gore
U.S. Army journalist, Vietnam.
Former Vice President Walter Mondale
U.S. Army, 1951-1953.
Wesley Clark, presidential candidate
U.S. Army, 1966-2000, West Point, Vietnam, Purple Heart, Silver Star. Retired 4-star general.
Hilary Rodham Clinton, Senator (D-NY)
No military service.
Richard Gephardt, Congressman (D-MO)
Missouri Air National Guard, 1965-71.
Tom Daschle, Senate Minority Leader
1st Lt., U.S. Air Force, Strategic Air Command, 1969-72.
Ted Kennedy, Senator D-MA)
U.S. Army, 1951-1953.
Tom Harkin, Senator (D-IA)
Lt., U.S. Navy, 1962-67; Naval Reserve, 1968-74.
Fritz Hollings, Senator (D-SC)
U.S. Army officer, World War II, Bronze Star, 7 campaign ribbons.
Charles Rangel, Congressman
Staff Sgt., U.S. Army 1948-52; Bronze Star, Korea.
Max Cleland, Former senator
U.S. Army 1965-68; Silver Star & Bronze Star, Vietnam.
Gray Davis, Former Calif. governor
U.S. Army, Captain, Vietnam; Bronze Star.
Chuck Robb, Senator (D-VA)
U.S. Marine Corps, 1961-70, Vietnam.
Bob Kerrey, Former senator
LTJG, U.S. Navy 1966-69; Medal of Honor, Vietnam.
George McGovern
U.S. Army Air Corps, WWII, Silver Star, Distinguished Flying Cross.
Prominent Independents
Ralph Nader, Consumer advocate
U.S. Army.
Jesse Ventura, Former governor, actor
U.S. Navy, SEAL Team.
2004 Republican Ticket
President George W. Bush
Pilot, Texas Air National Guard, 1968-1973.
Vice President Richard Cheney
No military service.
Prominent Republicans
Former President Gerald Ford
U.S. Navy, WWII, Lieutenant Commander.
Former President George H. W. Bush
U.S. Navy, pilot, WWII. Shot down by the Japanese.
Former Vice President Dan Quayle
U.S. Army, Indiana National Guard.
Tom Ridge, Director Homeland Security
U.S. Army, Vietnam, Bronze Star for Valor.
John Ashcroft, U.S. Attorney General
No military service.
John McCain, Senator (R-AZ)
U.S. Navy, Naval Academy, Pilot, Vietnam POW, Silver Star, Bronze Star, Legion of Merit, Purple Heart and Distinguished Flying Cross.
Jon Kyl, Senator (R-AZ)
No military service.
Chuck Hagel, Senator (R-NE)
U.S. Army, two Purple Hearts, Bronze Star, Vietnam.
Dennis Hastert, Speaker of the House
No military service.
Tom Delay, House Majority Leader
No military service.
Bill Frist, Senate Majority Leader
No military service.
Rick Santorum, Senator (R-PA)
No military service.
Lindsey Graham, Senator (R-SC)
U.S. Army lawyer, National Guard.
Jeb Bush, Florida governor
No military service.
Bob Dole, Former senator
U.S. Army, WWII, Italy campaigns, two Purple Hearts, Bronze Star Medal.
Rudy Giuliani, Former NYC mayor
No military service.
Michael Bloomberg, Mayor New York City
No military service.
Arnold Schwarzenegger, Governor Calif.
1-year service with the Austrian Army (main vocation was bodybuilding).
there's several such lists, but this is a partial from this one;