And, this little tidbit from the "Countdown Timeline" (same link):
Quote:06 May 2004
The House passed H.CON.RES.398, which was introduced by HIRC Chairman Henry Hyde (R-IL) on March 25. It expresses "the concern of Congress over Iran's development of the means to produce nuclear weapons," and was passed under "suspension of the rules" on 06 May 2004. The final tally was 376 for the resolution, three against, 14 answering "present," and 40 not voting. Opponents of this concurrent resolution charged that it led the country down the road to war against Iran. This resolution demands that Iran immediately cease all efforts to acquire nuclear enrichment activities and calls for the country to honor its stated commitments to grant IAEA inspectors unrestricted access to nuclear sites. But the resolution also calls upon all state parties to the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty--including the United States--to use ``all appropriate means to deter, dissuade, and prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons.'' It also "calls on the President to use all appropriate means to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons..." Even if this bill doesn't authorize the use of force against Iran, it creates a precedent for future escalation, as did similar legislation endorsing ``regime change'' in Iraq back in 1998. This legislation called for yet more and stricter sanctions on Iran , including a demand that other countries also impose sanctions on Iran. Critics charged that sanctions were unmistakably a move toward war, particularly when, as in this legislation, a demand is made that the other nations of the world similarly isolate and blockade the country.
So, it seems the president has the warrant signed and sealed in his back pocket. Lucky me. I happen to trust Bush to do the right thing and I also have 100% confidence that he knows a lot more than anyone posting on a public message board, including me. He'll do what's right for this country and he'll do it when the time is right.
Speculation can be interesting, but we'll just have to wait and see.