Quote:Have families become taboo, too? Will little Johnny stop trying to sneak a peak at the old man's Playboy in favor of Mom's Family Circle?
What happens at home is the business of the parents. It isn't the job of the school to teach about home life for people.
Quote:Preparing students for the world is certainly among the many chores with which public education is charged.
Since when? I didn't give the school permission to prepare my child for the world. I see that as my job. They need to make sure he knows how to read which I help with. They need to teach him how to do math, which I help with. They need to teach him history and writing and other such educational subjects. The rest should be left to his mother and I not the schools. When the schools provide clothes shoes and a bed to sleep in then they can teach him how to survive in the real world. Until then stick to the basics.
Quote:Educating students about family diversity only helps them understand what they're apt to experience at some point during a visit to little Susie's or little Jimmy's house.
Once again if he see's something like that at someone else's house then he should come home and ask his PARENTS about it, not his teacher when he shows up at school the next day.
Quote:This is common sense. Or perhaps we should prevent schools from touching on common sense (I'll bet some people out there really wish schools would stop with that nonsense about the Earth being round).
Now you're being silly. Science is far different from "common sense". Do they get graded on common sense? Once again I thought that was part of the duties of parents to teach such things. Are they going to spank my child as well? I mean from what you are saying that is the only thing left for parents now a days.
Quote:Exposing children to family diversity is no more social engineering than is exposing them to the fact that some people have different skin color, hair texture, or eye shape.
Don't you think diversity is a little bit over the heads of 6 year olds? Everything you talk about is something that can be seen and doesn't have to be talked about. Children don't know any better unless told by their parents. Have you ever seen little kids play together that has never met? They could careless what someone looks like or who they are. Kids will play together even if they speak different languages. I have a deaf child and when he goes to my older sons school and plays with the other kids they don't know he's deaf. They don't need to know because playing has no language.
Quote:That some children come from families with homosexual parents is a social reality being addressed by schools, not created by them.
Once again it isn't the business of the school to talk about family make up. They complain about not having the money and time to teach the mandatory stuff then waste time on things that are the domain of the parents. No wonder they are whining. It takes time away from the social engineering classes to teach about reading.