Your making no sense.
escorting is a person who is a fake date, that accompanies you to an event or something. They are not prostitutes, whores, or people to sleep with. However many attempt to or is hired because they are open in that manor ism.
and dominatrix is nothing at all. I know somebody who is a dominatrix. She has clients and they beg and bow down along with all kinds of things. Mostly business men who never or rarely seen or known anything good looking. or rule their household with submissive spouses.
The reality in my experience LGBT ( when it comes to regular people ) are rude, obnoxious, and honestly are jealous.
They are going for the big jobs, and studying the hard stuff just so they could have a living that looks anything that is normal.
The reality is that ( at least in my experience ) they take the initiative when nobody can not have any whatsoever. That is why their are your medical doctors/physicians and your school teachers right next to the Jews.
When we go downwards to the lower level. Many LGBT are unhappy because they know they are outcasts and knows they do not fit in asides their race, putter appearance and language.
Honestly if you know any officers ( name, badge number ( which is displayed ) you could write them up or even report them. You could carry them to court.
I was walking my dog one day and this
officer saw me and me dog walking. She said "I don't like the way your dog look" and then said "Your dog is ugly".
While she was doing this she was hiding her name tag ( the little tag where her name is displayed BECAUSSE SHE KNOWS SHE JUST BROKE THE LAW AND KNOWS SHE COULD GET FIRED FOR THAT COMMENT.
That is why I would carry a zoom lens camera with me if you see any officers and take a photo fo their vehicles and them as well.
It is legal for people to take any photo of any citizen representative of the state, and it is legal for officers to stress their opinions online, as well without having their jobs challenged. You could snap pictures of people and places.