Hi everybody, I don't feel right about myself, the person I should be
more here with you guys. Maybe I couldn't write because I didn't have
time, or it was about the mood of writing which I didn't have recently. It's
true that I should have let you know of the whole thing from the start. Ok,
mom was of a great help. She is my lady; helps me with father; support
me, always there with me.
The kind of the iron lady. Sadly, she slipped in the bathroom floor , and
fell to her back a bout a month ago. I thought it was something simple but
I was wrong. She couldn't walk as she was before, was a bit difficult. She
was in a hell of pain especially late in the night. Here I had to double my
effort at home.
I took her to more than one clinic, and to a local hospital here. X-ray
done, but there was no fracture. All was fine, but still the pain. The only
treatment she had was injections and pain killers from every clinic I went
to, and the hospital also. The latest doctor (female, I should go back there
more often

) said the pain because of the compressed back muscles
and recommended some physio. I carried out these exercises with help of my sister.
It was difficult to handle everything here, taking in mind father and
brother. I love my mother a lot, and respect her also, and I never knew
her feeling inside that she has a crippled husband and son. She is now in
her seventies, and decided not to make her do any hard work, but believe
me she will do whatever she wants, you have no idea how stubborn she is.
Ok, physio didn't solve the problem but it helped a lot of course. I couldn't
find what is wrong with here except the compressed muscles as the doc
said. So, things remained as it was before for sometimes; morning,
change brother position and bathing my dad, and then mother turn,
evening bathing my bro and put him on the wheelchair, and check dad and
mom along with other chores.
I didn't have time to write, more accurately I wasn't in the mood of doing
I decided later to take her outside to a private hospital. Ok, I got some
cash from here and there; also I robbed the local bank (kidding). I'm not
poor, but not rich, middle class guy.
At the hospital, the specialist said it might be a neuro problem. He asked
her whether she can walk. Well, she can but not that good. She feels
slightly pain in one of the thigh, the left. He asked for MRI which I couldn't
afford to pay, was a bit pricy. I told him that she will do it outside and we
will be back in a couple of days, he said ok. Now, I'm trying away to get t
this MRI thingy. You know, it's money problem at this moment.
Now, I know what to do, and mom seems to get slightly better, but of
course she has to do the x-ray.
But, never mind, things will be better and my horse is coming. It's only
only Summer, vacation that cash problem exist, but we will get to work in
a couple of days.
I think I'll be able to spend time with you guys in this lovely place :wink: .