Kara wrote:I think we must attack and defend ourselves against groups with deadly intentions, even if we must lose a few civil liberties by trying to anticipate and stop such attacks.
Thank you for stating your belief on this point......I would not feel so frustrated if more on this forum would make the same admission. I didn't really believe you to be naive and it is obvious that you are making a sincere effort to understand the very complex forces at work in our effort to conquer the worldwide menace of Islamic Fascism (I don't like using that pretentious term but it seems to be the most concise definition of the enemy)
You yourself stated earlier that the enemy was world wide and we would fight it forever. You further state that we have created a haven for this enemy in Iraq. It has been established by all the investigations of our intelligence failure, that we had NO actionable human intelligence in Iraq before we attacked. How then could we have been certain that bin Laden and Saddam would NEVER unite against us as the common enemy, which would in turn allow al Queda to re-establish their training camps from Afghanistan to Iraq? We could not allow that to happen after expending so much time, energy, money and loss of life in our victory in Afghanistan.
It has been established by the 9/11 commission that there was some contact between al Queda and Iraq prior to 9/11 and there are many here who will scoff at any thought of Saddam making a deal with binLaden because of a supposed division in ideology. It is only a small step for two supposed enemies to unite against a much larger and more powerful COMMON enemy. I only want you to think about the possibilities here and to not form any firm decisions here about our motives or our perceived requirements for bases or objectives in this part of the world.
You are rightly concerned about the lives of Iraqis in the current situation. Many have died and many more will die but you seem to have forgotten that many were dying under Saddam. The only difference is......which group was doing most of the dying. Under Saddam they were mostly Shiites and some Kurds where as now the Sunnis are also feeling the pain.
The point I'm trying to make is that we have not suddenly caused all the dying but many here want you to believe we are responsible. That sort of thinking is just flat wrong and unjustified
Let me use a simple analogy to make my next point: When fishermen want to have the best chance of catching a lot of fish, they try to find schools of any particular food fish since at certain times of the year, every type of fish that we use for food, congregate in schools. Trying to find al Queda is similar to trying to find fish in the ocean. Now in Iraq, which you call a haven for terrorists, the terrorists have gathered in bunches from around the world in their zeal to kill Americans. Many here will again scoff and claim that those fighting us are all homegrown Baathists who would rightly be called insurgents rather than terrorists. If that is true then this guy Zargawi would not be a real threat to us would he? Why then have our guys found identification on dead fighters from all over the world......many are from Chechnia, Yemen, Syria, Jordan, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia......in fact from every Muslim country. They have congregated to kill Americans.
Was this the initial strategy when we were planning the war?.......it makes sense to me. It may be the reason we did not send more troops to seal the borders. If we seal the borders, how do the fish come in to congregate? There will be more scoffing at this type of thinking. But the scoffers can't have it both ways. Many have called Rumsfeld stupid for not sending more troops to seal the borders. If all the fighters are homegrown, why seal the borders? Where as, if the fighters of al Queda congregate, why not kill them there instead of hunting them down one by one as if in the ocean?
You seem to justify some of your thinking by making it sound evil on our part to want bases in Iraq. Why not get something for all the treasure in money and loss of life we have expended. It is obvious to any amateur strategist that we need land bases in the ME because it is in our long term interests.......is that evil? If you think this way, you are buying into all the various unjustified criticisms of the Bush haters and conspiracy theorists.
It is a simple fact....we need bases in Iraq and we should keep them because the cost has been high in blood.
It has been pointed out on other threads that INSTABILITY has caused the price of gasoline to sky rocket. If we pull out of Iraq......INSTABILITY will reign forever. If we stay, we have a chance to bring stability to the entire region....eventually. I would venture a guess of three more years.....IF....we stay the course.
Bush was actually criticized during the hearings of the 9/11 commission for NOT invading Afghanistan....prior to the attack on 9/11. Just think about that for a second. The fact is......the American people, the American press, and the American left wing would never have accepted that action without the catastrophe and the horror of the World trade centers imploding. Those same people would never have accepted going to war with Japan had it not been for Pearl Harbor.
Invading Afghanistan prior to 9/11 would have amounted to pre-emptive war.......oh the horrors of pre-emptive war. On the other hand, now that 9/11 has become a reality, everyone is applauding the invasion of Afghanistan but now have switched to condemning Bush for Iraq because they were not smacked in the face with another attack somewhere else in America by.....perhaps al Queda using Bio/Chemicals supplied by Saddam.
The Bombings in London and Spain prove that the ordinarily peaceful citizens of the world must be....SMACKED IN THE FACE.....by a horrific attack before they will confront reality. In London now they are deporting preachers of hate and they are taking control of their destiny instead of waiting for the next attack.
I rest my case for now.