Thanks for the reply.
The reply, it seems, is a framework of symmetry from freedom. Assuming freedom is absence, it would make sense for deities to extract symmetry through the Earth modernity singularity theme, the theme being the absence.
What makes it an absence?
The concoction, of the symmetry between Earth and modernity is safe, of the perspective of the algebra machine. This means that earth as a squished reality, of a left to right spectrum, is able to project itself onto the time of humanity's history (and all animals and all homo sapiens of course), with the 80's and 90's of the 20th century being a duplicate force of desire to the deities.
What follows?
There is movement granted as Wikipedia, through the symmetry extraction; there is the matter philosophy application, of different websites having their own identity travels, to themself by the internet users.
Can Heaven duplicate itself as the skyline, of Earth, as emotion's visual identity, and protect people from inspiration matter being the symmetry extraction by deities?
What's taking the piss?
Essentially, it would be that the absence of TV as metaphor for all of this is the luxury of its origin. By absence of TV, one means the nihilism philosophy attachment to the construct.
The LOL generator, on the internet (free of people as blueprint for magic connotation); is it a philosophy rebellion against such luxury, in the form of physics.