Creationism in a cheap tuxedo... Dubya's dance partner

Reply Tue 9 Aug, 2005 11:28 am
I'm convinced . . . where do i sign up?

(It was the pirate data which swayed me, it's undeniable.)
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Reply Tue 9 Aug, 2005 11:48 am
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Reply Tue 9 Aug, 2005 11:52 am
Hmmm, now, by including the FSM theory of the origins of life, we have, finally, what may be called an Epastamology.
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Reply Tue 9 Aug, 2005 12:05 pm
I KNEW there was a reason I could never eat spaghetti without feeling happy and saved!

So.... was that Dr. Atikins guy the devil?
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Reply Tue 9 Aug, 2005 03:41 pm
LOL! Thats so damn halarious... i know this monster personally.

I get your point though, clypto.
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Reply Tue 9 Aug, 2005 05:10 pm
I agree with you!
Mr Stillwater wrote:


"I am a former alcoholic. I deserted the military during wartime. I did not win the popular vote for President in 2000. I shamelessly lied about the capability of Iraq to wage war and cheerfully sent thousands of US citizens to the death in the Middle East whilst slaughtering tens of thousands in the name of democracy. I never did a real day's work in my entire worthless life.

"However, God wants me to be President! So that must make me an expert on subjects such as biology, chemistry, molecular genetics, natural history, history, geology, plate tectonics, astronomy, physics, and any other so-called 'science'. Did I happen to mention that GOD WANTS ME TO BE PRESIDENT!!!"

I love it! Laughing I hope you do not mind but .. i copied what you wrote and sent it on to many people with whom i associate with. I did add a great image though ... (how do i put it in here so you can see it?) of Bush Twisted Evil Holding hands with the Prince of Saudi Evil or Very Mad - literally holding hands!! Shocked
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Reply Tue 9 Aug, 2005 06:49 pm

It is true that many of the people who did much good in the country did it for religious reasons. Which in America, usually means Christian reasons.

However, there are two interpretations of the phrase, "America is Christian nation".

A) America is a nation populated by people who identify with the Christian religion.


B) America is a nation officially dedicated to Christian ideas, and the New Testament is officially recognized as a basis for our laws, much as British Common Law is officially recognized in the courts as having a bearing on court decisions and laws passed.

Of these two choices, A is true. B is not.

Nowhere in the Consititution will you find that the new nation is to be dedicated to greater glory and teachings of Jesus Christ. This, in a time when MOST nations had an official religion, just like Britain. The Founding Fathers went out of their way to leave that out, and even said that an official religion was NOT to be established. Later on, the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution extended that to the States as well.

So if devotion to Jesus is a motivating force in your life, great. But you cannot take public funds to teach religious ideas in a publicly funded classroom. A privately funded school-fine. But not a publicly funded one. For that is taking the taxpayers' money and using it to advance religious teachings.

Intelligent Design, in the view of most scientists, is just a theory made up to try to explain away the apparent differences between the teachings of science and the teachings of the Bible. As such, it really is a religious philosophy, not a science, and therefore should not receive taxpayer education funds-even if the majority of taxpayers in a locality agree with it. Public tax funds, even in an especially religioius community, should not be used to further religious ideas.
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Reply Wed 10 Aug, 2005 06:39 am
kelticwizard wrote:

A) America is a nation populated by people who identify with the Christian religion.

I think i already went through this with some other people like twice, and already twice admited why i was wrong to side more with your choice b originally. democracy, majority, minority, the whole cat in a burlap bag, pretty much sums up why i twice pointed out the error of my ways in saying that we were set up by christians, but not as a christian nation. I think it was this thread or another much like it where someone pointed out that democracy and theocracy are two very different things. I must voice heartedly that i prefer democracy, since we have already seen just how far down a christian theocracy is willing to go. Christianitly in the wrong hands screws everything up, i must admit.

I still think that educators should be able to teach some other system than evolution. Maybe not nessisarily a God created world, but some sort of creation theory would atleast be nice. There are many belief systems based on a creation type theory. really anything that doesnt support evolution, since we cant prove creation or evolution, why stick with only one. thats just my personal oppinion. not that it counts for anything.

You guys are all probably so much older than me that you can either remember when evolution came into the class room, or else you were in school long before it. I am only just barely in my twenties, and i went through school as an out cast because of my faith. And not because I had anything to say, mostly because of what i didnt. you cannot imagine what its like to be physically beat up daily, harrassed, made fun of, and talked down to because of something you believe not conforming with the majority. Science classes were always the worst, i have been to countless schools, and found no support from the science teachers, or any teacher for that matter. i had atleast two memorable ones, earth science and chemistry who would instigate the class in name calling. I actually had to get up infront of the class and give a speach about how i evolved once, i was the only one. and i was graded on it. the only one. because that teacher knew i didnt believe it. *Shrug* its what you get as the child of missionaries. big woop.

So i guess education is a sensitive subject, and any move in a decent direction is considered on my part is a massive leap. Its not like i expect itellegent design to fix everything, or anything for that matter. just anything that requires an alternative theory, or even tolerance of alternative theories would be nice....

then again, its probably just another reason to have my ass ripped out.
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Reply Wed 10 Aug, 2005 06:49 am
I'm going to admit some confusion and not a little ignorance. For me evolution is best taught in a science class and treated as a scientific theory with all that entails. Intelligent design should be taught in a religious studies class, it's not science, it's religion.
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Reply Wed 10 Aug, 2005 07:03 am
hmmm.. this would be true. I think education shouldbe the resposibility of the parents that would fix it... but we've already seen how that ends up. although it would be nice to pocket that 1500 a year for something else.
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Reply Wed 10 Aug, 2005 07:11 am

It has been discussed elsewhere on this board whether or not intelligent design could be considered a theory (check the science forum). The consensus, if one were to ignore the die-hard proponents of ID, is that it is not a theory.

A theory is not just an idea that pops into one's head. A theory, in science, is a tried-and-tested idea, supported by evidence.

FYI, evolution entered the classroom at least by the beginning of the last century. The Scopes trial was in 1925.
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Reply Wed 10 Aug, 2005 10:45 am
excuse my wordage.
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Reply Wed 10 Aug, 2005 10:47 am
maybe i should have said when evolution was the only thing taught..
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Reply Wed 10 Aug, 2005 06:39 pm
BTP said
You guys are all probably so much older than me that you can either remember when evolution came into the class room, or else you were in school long before it.
. Im so old that I remember when the earths crust was so hot that we hadda make sandals for the dinosaurs
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Reply Wed 10 Aug, 2005 06:40 pm
My parents only had a cell apiece.
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Reply Wed 10 Aug, 2005 06:57 pm
I'm so old, I had to teach the old giant turtles how to swim or the stupid things would never learned how to crawl up on the beach to fornicate.

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Reply Thu 11 Aug, 2005 02:17 am
I'm so old, i introduced dinosaurs to the joys of grazing on marijuana plants and rotten fruit--leading to the first destruction of an order through drug and alcohol abuse . . .
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