New subject-
Talk about your addictions.
Hmm.. I can list mine alphabetically? numerically? Chronologically?
I too started out smoking when i was young. I believe I was 8 when I first took a drag off of a cigarette. By the time I was 10 I was addicted to them. Still have not quit , but have never in my life gone above smoking 4 a day. Most people have a progressive smoking addiction.. I guess I am one of the lucky few.
I have spent time on almost all street drugs. As I have stated in other threads, I was homeless for a few years. Most of my teen years to be exact. And the mind set of " noone can tell me what to do anymore" dominated my better judgement.
Of all drugs, heroin was the most painful to kick. I spent 3 days in the back of a van I was living in , sick and in pain. My head felt like a bowling ball. My bones were on fire. My lungs were full of water and I was seeing stuff that wasnt real. I sweated 24-7 and sometimes could not make it out of the van fast enough to deficate by a tree. At that time I was 17.
Cocaine was another vice I welcomed soon after heroin. Again.. hooked beyond belief.
I was traveling around the southern part of america and northern Mexico. Mostly hitchhiking with truck drivers who were doing the same drug I was. I remember vividly one ride I was sitting on the floor between the driver and passenger chair and I heared the radio call out my name. Over and over and over again. I never picked up the reciever because I still had enough of a brain to know that it wasnt really happening.. but my ears were registering my name.
I had fights with cocaine off and on until I was 20. Then.. I just stopped.
Crank was not a heavy addiction for me , but more of a time filler between heroin and coke. I treid it a few times, enjoyed it ( or so I thought) but never became physically dependant on the substance. For some reason, staying awake and pissed off for 7 days wasnt my cup of tea.
The very last substance I was ever physically dependant on was prescription pain meds. Easy to get, all I had to do was go to an ER and pretend to have fallen. That took almost 3 years out of my already short life.
I still smoke cigarettes. I doubt i will ever quit. Simply because i dont want to. I have never been a drinker, though you would think it would be easy for me to have been. I am the defination of additive personality..
To this day I have not touched a single drug in several years. All without any direct treatment. Not will power.. because I dont have any of that.
i just dont WANT TO anymore. Maybe I was lucky enough to have hit a bottom somewhere in my addictive life that made the desire dissappear.
I dont know what it was.. I just know that staying sober is a daily task.
Not a burden, but a well deserved job.. so to speak.