Sun 1 Feb, 2015 11:07 am
My parents are 53 and 65. Both drink 12+ beers a night and have for the past 5-7 years. The 53 yo smokes a 1/2 pack per day, while the 65 yo quit a few years ago after smoking a pack per day for decades.. Neither have a history of great health, and they only eat processed foods the one time per day that they do eat. The only beverage they consume besides beer is Pepsi, and they drink 6-10 cans per day each. The 53 yo has yellowed skin and nails that are ridged, and discolored. Even though the 65 yo drinks more, they show none of these signs yet, I am attempting to prepare for the worst , as both of my siblings do not think that this behavior is a problem. So my question is, how long would they live, both best and worst case scenario?
MilaLillian wrote: So my question is, how long would they live, both best and worst case scenario?
Worst cast scenario, one day, best case scenario, another 25 years.
Honestly thou, nobody on this forum can actually answer that question, not even your parents own doctor.
My father smoked and drank and ate processed food for 20 years and died at 93 because he fell off a ladder while he was pruning a pear tree. My aunt didn't smoke or drink and was a vegetarian and a health fanatic and died at 45 of cancer.
Let's ask Keith Richard of the Rolling Stones:
Hey Keith, what you think 'bout that?
"Mumble, mumble ...<cough> Fugg it, Mate! Just live your life! Let them live theirs! "