I only just found this discussion (thanks, roger).
Eva wrote:Me too, Osso. I think because it would force me to cross the line from "not-hearing-well-but-hopefully-nobody-knows-it" to "obviously-impaired." And I'm not ready to cross that line.
I well remember that. It's part of why I didn't learn ASL until a good 8 years after my hearing first became an issue. You already know what I'd likely say on the subject now so I won't restate the obvious, but wanted to note the perhaps not-obvious, that I was resistant for a long time as well.
Well, OK, I can't quite stop myself (I tried). I just met a new deaf friend, first one here in Columbus, spent 4 hours talking to her --
with no effort. No strain, no frantic brain calculations, just *ahhhh* communication. While I definitely get grumpy with the stupid non-signing world when I emerge from that, it's also tremendously restorative, and longer-term I have a lot more patience for dealing with the talkers I live with. (I.e., half hour of grumpiness, a week of more patience.)
But, again, 8 years... I do understand.