Sure you will, BB. Sure.
Hey, if you have to do all that, I'm going straight to Dys & Diane's.
Us, too.
If you're going to make WORK out of this, we won't come at all! Don't you dare do anything more than straighten a few pillows on the couch.
Couch? She has a couch? Are you people all rich, or what?
If its 24 hours to Tulsa, how long is it to Albuquerque ?
Ten hours from Tulsa.
C'mere and give me a big hug, handsome fella! Where in the world have you been?!
Santa Fe is less than ninety miles away ... accorsing to Neil Young, which makes a bit more than an hour. :wink:
(And 'wink' to Hiama as well

Ahh, I think it is more like sixty miles (says the new expert).
Hug for Eva and apologies for my absence and less of the winks Walter I get enough of those from the Prince
Eva wrote:Us, too.
If you're going to make WORK out of this, we won't come at all! Don't you dare do anything more than straighten a few pillows on the couch.
OK, I won't do any of that fun stuff except to take down my Dolly's "party girl for rent, cheap" sign from the window.
Re: Eva
BumbleBeeBoogie wrote:
OK, I won't do any of that fun stuff except to take down my Dolly's "party girl for rent, cheap" sign from the window.
take down those red lights in your windows as well
I dont care WHAT Dr Ruth says......
and call the city about that red street light..
ossobuco wrote:and call the city about that red street light..
Damn! Osso, you have such a big blabbing mouth!
How is a girl supposed to survive on Social Security?
I understand, I understand, but just for this one day...
That attitude is rather familiar..
You can leave the sign up, BBB.
Liam's been neutered.
I am very familiar given half a cha nce !
hiama wrote:I am very familiar given half a cha nce !
You would love my Dolly, my Shih Tsu party girl. She was named Dolly because my first dog is named Madison. He's a Bichon Frieze.
Roger, when did I do what you accuse me of? Never, and I never would do something so, so, well, you've got to admit, funny.
Hiama, hugs from me too! It's good to see you online again.
Poor Liam, between Dolly at BBB's house and Sally at our house--Sally of the the 'Girls Just Want to Have Fun' fame--sweet, innocent Liam will become a jaded bon vivant by the time he returns home.
Seeing how BBB is leaving the red light on, I'm wondering if we are still supposed to be wearing a sundress with no undies as our altruistic gesture of goodwill for BVT/BiP? Gosh what a lot to remember! If it's in the 100's, no undies is the preferred mode of dress, but what about Eva's husband and son? Do they have ANY idea of what brazen hussies we all are?
Roger is no problem, he just rolls his eyes and looks at Dys with one his long-suffering, martyrish looks that all men know how to do from birth. God, men are sooo transparent, but soooo cute.
Diane wrote:
Roger is no problem, he just rolls his eyes and looks at Dys with one his long-suffering, martyrish looks that all men know how to do from birth. God, men are sooo transparent, but soooo cute.
OMG! Does this mean you're planning a shopping expidition?