thethinkfactory wrote:Sturgis wrote:Clinton lied too, as did many others in his Cabinet and on his staff. Where's your outrage there?
1) This excuses lying in the senate?
2) You have revisit every senatorial lie if you want to discuss a current case? (We would be here for the rest of our lives recounting that tale)
I fail to see your point.
Allow me to explain: the above poster and many on the right are unable to discern the difference between lying about blowjobs and lying about matters of national defense, perhaps because to them matters of national defense are as close as they can get to actual sex. Or virtual sex, for that matter, consider that recently, in order to move closer to our brethren on the right (yuck), Hillary Clinton took to task the makers of the video game Grand Theft Auto. She decried the insertion of explicate sexual scenes. Now, why did she not, at the same time, decry the blatant, horrific violence replete in every frame of that game? Because, dear friends, our conservative nabobs are hot for violence. At least, they are hot for someone's else violence. They loved seeing Jesus get the crap whipped out of him. Their leader tells the terrorists to "Bring it on".
See, as long as it's
someone else's son or daughter they are sending off to war, they are hot for it. As long as it's a cop they have hired at the lowest wage possible, they want him or her, right in the thick of beating crime. (Just make sure that entry on the gated community is shut tight.) The right is
filled with tough talking guys and gals, just don't ask about sex. That sweat you see rising on their foreheads is not from arousal, that's embarrassment.
So you can imagine how easy it is for them to be confused about a candidate for the top position at the United Nations failing to answer truthfully about an investigation and someone else lying about getting their shaft shined over a piece of pizza. They are completely unfamiliar with the latter situation, never having had sex for fun and remember this :Lying about official stuff is normal for them, so they don't see the problem with John.
Got it?