I recognize some here won't contribute because it's not cool, but I'd like to start the New Year off with some positivity, so I'm going to take the plunge
What I like about engineer is that he's fact-based, rational and doesn't engage in angst arguments.
What I like about hightor is his reasoned, researched, logical opinions and he refutes with the best of them.
What I like about neptuneblue is her directness - she states what she feels/believes with no holds barred. Actually, ditto with Glitterbag.
What I like about Jespah is that she also is rational in her approach to the many issues she comments on. You can count on that. Noddy2!
What I like about edgar is his gentleness and basic acceptance of the way things are. And I love his stories.
What I appreciate about oralloy is his predictability - I don't have to even read his posts to know that 'evil progressives' will signify in there somewhere.
What I appreciate about maxdancona is his unflagging efforts to get people on side. Utter determination.
There are others I will add when I've refreshed my glass of wine and/or had a nap. But you... feel free to go for it

Lots of lovely redeeming attributes about people on here that shouldn't go unappreciated.