Quote:You are defending him...
It's amusing to me that you think I'm "defending" anyone – my sole intent was to correct your mistaken impression that the post was about
Mexico! I've also noticed that your diction is occasionally imprecise, that you'll misinterpret a point, or fail to detect a nuance; that's often the only reason I'm replying to you at all.
When I rediscovered A2K five years ago there were some pretty toxic members and a lot of really stupid Hillary memes were being posted. And I remember being disappointed with Finn because he was the "thoughtful conservative" and I thought he should've denounced some of the garbage that was being posted by people like Gungasnake . Then I realized how stupid that was. I was looking at the threads, putting people into categories, assigning them to ideological camps, and expecting them to act out roles. I was seeing it as a f-ing drama.
It isn't.
It's just people saying stuff. Sometimes insightful, sometimes dumb, sometimes right, sometimes wrong, sometimes funny, sometimes off-the-wall. It's a big bubbling stew, not an elaborately prepared fifteen course meal. I think you are imposing a particular form on A2K and assuming that everyone else sees this place the same way.