What a scumbag!!!

Reply Sat 30 Jul, 2005 07:43 am
Momma Angel wrote:
Now, if she gave it to one person and told them, please give this to the family member and let me know if they need anything.

I think you hit the nail on the head there. Perhaps the whole immediate family might have gotten the cards, and the invitation to give her a call if they need anything..

And it is not at all unusual for the Governor to be represented at the funeral of a serviceman killed in combat. In our state, it is big news indeed when a state resident gets killed over there. Our local TV stations play it very, very big when it happens. In fact, it usually the lead story that night.
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Reply Sat 30 Jul, 2005 07:44 am
Much ado about nothing
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Reply Sat 30 Jul, 2005 07:53 am
I would like to know the context of that antiwar remark, also. Did she just come out with it, or was it in answer to someone's question.

At any rate, the appearance of state officials lends extra weight to any gathering, and the Lieutenant Governor's appearance there was a way of saying the entire state pays it's respects to the fallen serviceman.
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Reply Sat 30 Jul, 2005 08:06 am
Perhaps the political statement is actually that which the family is making
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Reply Sat 30 Jul, 2005 08:43 am
Knoll's pathetic 'apology'

PITTSBURGH (AP) - Lt. Gov. Catherine Baker Knoll apologized Monday to the family of a Marine killed in Iraq for showing up uninvited for his funeral last week and giving out a business card.

Knoll went to the funeral of Staff Sgt. Joseph Goodrich and family members said she told his aunt that ``our government'' was opposed to the war.

In a letter to Goodrich's widow, Amy, Knoll said she left a card in case the family wanted to contact her ``and as a sign of my willingness to help the family through this difficult time in any way I can. To do anything that was deemed insensitive was completely counter to my intent.''

Goodrich, 32, of Westwood, died July 10 in Iraq. His family said that they felt they were owed an apology by Knoll and didn't understand why she attended the funeral in Carnegie.

``Sergeant Goodrich's service was beyond the call of duty,'' Knoll's letter said. ``If my regard for his family's grief was seen another way, it is thoroughly regrettable. The fact that you have been offended deserves and receives my most profound apology.''

Rhonda Goodrich, Joseph Goodrich's sister-in-law, said the apology was accepted although the family had also wanted Knoll to apologize to the Marine Corps.

Knoll said in her letter that she arrived too late to offer her personal condolences. That rankled Rhonda Goodrich, who said she believed Knoll came to get publicity.

``She didn't have time to be with Amy or Joe's parents, but she made time for the TV cameras,'' she said. ``That's where I'm still a little bitter.''

Knoll said she has attended ``dozens of funerals to offer my sympathy and condolences to the families of soldiers who have paid the ultimate sacrifice.''

Knoll can be contacted at **[email protected] if you'd like to let her know that you consider her attending funerals without permission to be in extremely poor taste. I doubt I'll receive a reply.

The good news is that although PA is considered a blue state, that's true only in the most urban areas. There are plenty of solidly red counties filled, I'm sure, with Vets (of both parties) who will most certainly be offended at anyone showing up unannounced and uninvited to proclaim "our government" is against the war.

If she was sincere in her so-called "apology", she'd have included the Marine Corps, as the family requested.

She was reported to have passed out her business card during Communion...no doubt thinking "oh, it's cocktail hour". What a loser.
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Reply Sat 30 Jul, 2005 08:44 am
I am in complete agreement with KelticWizard.
The administration's policy banning the viewing of the bodybags of dead Americans was infinitely more cynical than what happened with Lt. Gov Knoll's calling cards.
Banning the filming of body bags was a denial of the importance of S/Sgt. Goodrich's death.

The postings of the supporters of censorship, lets us know that rightwingers are more concerned with trashing the left than they are with the S/Sgt. Goodriches -- from the Commander in Chief down.
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Reply Sat 30 Jul, 2005 11:19 am
blueveinedthrobber wrote:
where is your outrage for the scumbags who sent the Marine to his death for no reason but war profiteering and the expansion of power? Which by the way is working out great, huh?

I would be outraged,except for one thing.

After having been there,I know the truth about whats going on.
I know that while there are still some people that want us out and are trying to bully and intimidate the Iraqi's,that overall things have improved and are getting better everyday.

But,are you saying that since You think Bush is responsible,that it excuses this womans behavior??

You said..."The postings of the supporters of censorship, lets us know that rightwingers are more concerned with trashing the left than they are with the S/Sgt. Goodriches -- from the Commander in Chief down."

I don't believe that anyone "trashed" anyone.
I stated in my opening post that it was inexcusable behavior for ANY politician,and I also stated that I did not know what party this woman was.
It doesn't matter to me,because there in no way any politician,of any party,can defend her actions.
Apparently though,there are people on here that can.
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Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Sat 30 Jul, 2005 11:26 am
No MM, what she did was tacky.

It is just interesting that there is nothing so horrid this administration can do that you don't defend and approve of, and nothing so minor that the "left" can do that doesn't cause the release of your indignant moral outrage.

It's funny really.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 30 Jul, 2005 11:28 am
Intrepid wrote:
Ticomaya wrote:
Momma Angel wrote:
And if we don't like Bush, let's vote him out!

Some of us do like Bush. But I do promise I won't vote for Bush the next time he runs for President.

Would you if he was able to run again? :wink:

That depends ... who is his opponent?
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Reply Sat 30 Jul, 2005 11:31 am
thethinkfactory wrote:
Ticomaya wrote:
Momma Angel wrote:
And if we don't like Bush, let's vote him out!

Some of us do like Bush. But I do promise I won't vote for Bush the next time he runs for President.

Sweet! Jeb is OFF Tico's list.

He said Bush - I think that means ALL of them.

Well I was referring to the Bush MA was referring to ... the sitting President.

As far as any other candidate, I'll have to evaluate them in light of the opposition. Personally, I'd like to see McCain run.
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Reply Sat 30 Jul, 2005 11:39 am
blueveinedthrobber wrote:
No MM, what she did was tacky.

It is just interesting that there is nothing so horrid this administration can do that you don't defend and approve of, and nothing so minor that the "left" can do that doesn't cause the release of your indignant moral outrage.

It's funny really.

There are many things this administration does that I either disapprove of or cannot defend,but I dont blame them for all of the worlds troubles,like so many on the left do.
When I am in opposition to this admin,I say so,and give the reasons why.

But,I said quite clearly that I did NOT KNOW what party this woman was,and that no politician,OF EITHER PARTY, can defend her actions or excuse her behavior.

Why is that so hard for you to understand?

Let me ask you a simple,yes or no question...
Do you think what she did,and her comments,were appropriate for the time and place?
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Arella Mae
Reply Sat 30 Jul, 2005 12:27 pm

You were in Iraq? God Bless You! Thank you! You don't know how much I appreciate your sacrifice!

Everyone else,

I remember the Viet Name war. I remember the controversy, the hate, the disgraceful way our troops were treated because they were doing their duty. Citizens did not agree with the politicians and the troops were made to suffer for it.

No one president, politician, person, is ever going to please everyone. Do any of us know what was in the mind of that "so called scumbag" and her reason for doing what she did? I think not. We can only assume. And if our assumptions are right that she did it for the PR, then oh yeah, she was wrong.

But, what if she didn't do it for the PR? What if her heart was in the right place and she just may not have presented herself properly?

I, for one, have to applaud George Bush for encouraging Americans to stay at their jobs and continue on the day the Towers fell. My immediate reaction was to rush to find my husband and hide in my home. If we had all done that, Osama would have won. He would have destroyed us. But, it was the President's encouragement to stay strong and continue on that enabled me to stay at work and finish out that day.

I, for one, don't want to see the bodybags. I have a very dear friend who is fighting in Iraq. His Guardsmen unit lost 7 men in one day earlier this year. I will never ever forget the pain in his email when he said, ...I just don't think people at home realize what the ultimate sacrifice is and I don't believe showing bodybags of fallen troops is the way to realize that sacrifice.

The reality is, we are in a war. Our troops are being killed just as the other side's toops are being killed. Innocent women and children are being blown apart by suicide bombers. Do I want to see that carnage? No, I don't. I wish our troops didn't have to see it.

I feel the president is doing what he feels is right for the mental stability of his troops. Everytime I see the blood on the streets of Iraq, the thought of a child losing his life because a soldier was handing him some candy (that may have been candy I sent to them for that purpose), it rips my heart right out of my chest.

I have the utmost respect for God, my country, and our brave men and women willing to put themselves in front of that bullet or bomb for me.

When they enlist, they are aware that someday they may be called to duty, to kill in the name of freedom, to kill so we can be free and have the right to do what we do, and yes, possibly be killed in that line of duty.

I just pray that someday, we can all focus on the most important thing, and that is not the arguing and bickering and the left this, and the right that. That's why we have our voting system. If you don't like the way things are, lobby to have them changed. Things such as these are what tear our country's foundation apart.

Stop and think, would you want to be President? Would you want to make the decisions he has to make? Do you think he is thrilled at the prospect of sending men and women to a country they may never return from? Do you think he wants families torn apart? I don't. I think what he wants is what is best for the Nation. We could have just let Osama get away with what he did. We could have let Saddam continue to pour his hatred and vileness out on the land. I feel the president is just doing what he thinks is best to try to keep this country together.

We should back him and offer our support. Instead of complaining about the problem, we need to come up with solutions. We, the people! US! The United States of America. We are quickly becoming the Divided States of America.

Don't you realize that it only takes one person to start a change? One of you, any one of you could take your arguing energy and turn it into a positive change.

I hate the war. I hate the killing. I hate the fact that sons, daughters, mothers, wifes, husbands, sisters and brothers are being lost. I mourn for them and cry for their families. But what good is dissention doing them? How many of us have sat down and written a letter to the soldier and told them thank you? How many have sent a card to the families saying thank you?

I am not saying that none of those in this forum have not done this. I am saying on the overall.

God Bless our Country, God Bless Our President, God Bless All of You!
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Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Sat 30 Jul, 2005 12:28 pm
Look at my post you quoted and answer your own question.

Then site some examples of where you disagree with bushco.
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Arella Mae
Reply Sat 30 Jul, 2005 12:41 pm

I went back and read your posts and I went back and read the article also.

Should she have said "our government is opposed to the war?" I don't think so. As part of that government, she should support the president. But, a funeral of a fallen soldier is definitely not the place to state this.

As to her showing up late? Well, I don't know why she was late. If it was intentional, it was wrong.

And, if she did pass out a business card during communion? Oh, so wrong!

One thing I do not understand though is this, the fact that she was not invited to the funeral? I didn't realize you had to be invited to a funeral to pay your respects? Haven't we all attended a funeral of someone we may not have particularly agreed with or liked just to offer condolences to the family?

I have to be invited to a fallen soldier's funeral or I am in the wrong? If I go to show my support, that is wrong? I am not saying that is what anyone here has said. I am just asking if I am correct in my comprehension of this.

If "the scumbag's intentions were not pure" then most definitely, she was wrong. If her intentions were pure, she could have handled it much better, I do agree.
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Reply Sat 30 Jul, 2005 12:46 pm
Momma Angel,

welcome to board if you are new.

I don't see what good the Iraq war is doing for me or for Iraq, however, I don't hold anything against anyone that is serving in the military for doing their duty as service men and women. I hold the president responsible for putting them there in a place they had no business being.

The only thing that I thought was tacky was talking about the war and whether it was right or wrong during a funeral, whether it was pro or against don't make any difference.
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Sat 30 Jul, 2005 01:00 pm
revel wrote:
Momma Angel,

welcome to board if you are new.

I don't see what good the Iraq war is doing for me or for Iraq, however, I don't hold anything against anyone that is serving in the military for doing their duty as service men and women. I hold the president responsible for putting them there in a place they had no business being.

The only thing that I thought was tacky was talking about the war and whether it was right or wrong during a funeral, whether it was pro or against don't make any difference.

Thank you for the welcome. But, be assured of this, I will not be getting into the right and left and so on discussions. I don't have enough political knowledge to even attempt to try.

I believe what the war in Iraq is doing for me is showing the rest of the world that the United States of America is willing to fight for the rights and lives of those that need our help. Now, I do not know enough about the politics of the war to know this, but, did anyone in Iraq (except of course for Saddam's side) ask us not to be there?

From what I hear from my friend deployed in Iraq, the Iraqi's are glad we are there. And what good is it doing for you, me, or anyone here in the United States? The fact that we are willing to stand up for what is right and fight against the evils in this world is what it does. Whenever evil is fought it benefits all of mankind. That's a pretty broad generality there, but that's as simple as I can make it.

And why do we have no place being there? We have no business trying to lift oppression from those that are unable to do it themselves? Why? Because it's not our business? If no one fought against oppression or evil and just let everyone do their own thing, I submit none of us or this earth would be here. We would have blown ourselves to bits long ago.

People choose, governments choose, groups, etc., choose to stand on the side of what they think is right and then fight for that right.

And most definitely, talking about the war at that funeral was way more than tacky for anyone to do it. The family was in enough pain without others throwing in their political two cents. That soldier was a hero, whether they should have been there or not. And that's all that should have been emphasized.
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Reply Sat 30 Jul, 2005 01:17 pm
blueveinedthrobber wrote:
Look at my post you quoted and answer your own question.

Then site some examples of where you disagree with bushco.

I read your post,and nowhere do you say you think she was wrong or not.
Instead,you turned it into an attack on me.
Please show me where you actually commented on what she did.

I believe the nomination of Bolton was wrong,I don't think he should be appointed as a recess appt.
I disagree with the Bush SS plan.
I think privatization,as he has described it,is the wrong way to go.

I don't completely agree with his tax plan,or his views on the environment.

BUT,Having actually served in Iraq,and seen the truth about what is actually happening,I can say that I 100% agree with the decision to go in,and that we need to stay till the job is done.
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Arella Mae
Reply Sat 30 Jul, 2005 01:26 pm

Whew!!!!! I thought that post was aimed at me Mysterman! I am sorry I jumped in there folks.
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Reply Sun 31 Jul, 2005 06:00 am
Momma angel,

I don't really know how to respond to your post other than there were are still a lot of people who are oppressed in the world and that cannot in itself be a reason to go to war or else there would be no end to it.

We were attacked on 9/11 and saddam hussein had nothing to do with it and that is why we had no business starting a war with Iraq.

People in Iraq are worse off in a lot ways than they were before the war, the reports have confirmed it. There are just as many deaths now as before the war. (on a daily basis, not talking about the killing of the kurds and shiites that happened in large numbers all at once) There are now more terrorist than before the war. There is civil unrest and it is looking like there is going to be either chaos forever or an Iranian style government. So again, I don't see what good the war did, Saddam Hessian was contained and there was no immediate danger that would have justified the rush to war in the way we did it.

I understand you disagree and I am willing to leave at that. I have been going over this a thousand times here and I would just as soon leave it at that as well. Smile
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