I read your post a couple of times hightor, and I don't understand what point you are making.
- America is a great country that has made progress in racial justice and made the world better.
- America is flawed country defined by a history of racism and injustice that has hurt the world.
These are two different narratives.
They are equally true. They are subjective. Each of these narratives can be supported with facts and refuted by facts. Whether you believe one or both or neither of these says more about you than it does about America.
A good history teacher will be able to analyze events from either of these two equally true perspectives. I am not sure if that is what you are saying.
My impression is that you believe that one of these narratives represents an
absolute Truth and that a teacher's job is to guide students to accept the one true Truth. If I am wrong about this (and you aren't saying this), then please tell me.