A reasonable fear of Max's narrative being disproven by facts.
The Revolution is a supreme piece of American propaganda that drowns out any negative aspects.
Certain uncomfortable truths, (for an American,) remain. The revolutionaries were very self serving, Washington was America's first millionaire and like Jefferson was a slaveowner, although unlike Jefferson I've not heard any reports of him raping his slaves.
The treatment of the indigenous population also deteriorated sharply, as evidenced by the Trail of Tears.
The only soldiers fighting for freedom were the soldiers of the Ethiopian Regiment who were ex slaves fighting for Britain under Colonel Tye. They had all escaped from Virginia plantations to join the army of liberation.
Not saying that there weren't genuine revolutionaries motivated by a desire for freedom about, but not to the extent the propagandists would have us believe. Thomas Paine didn't hang around, he wasn't overly impressed with the founding fathers.
History has shown that freedom, justice and the American way aren't really things Amefica wants to share with everyone else. The Arab Spring and the attacks on democratic activists in Egypt have shown that American interests Trump American values every time.