maxdancona wrote:The problem is with they people who only see one side.
If people only see one side then, by definition, any other side is simply not observable. They don't believe themselves to be on a "side". You can't compromise with what you don't see.
If people see two (or more) sides to an issue they certainly aren't obligated to accept other sides as valid. The fact that people "choose sides" means that they have rejected alternatives.
maxdancona wrote:You are so sure that you have the absolute truth that you can't criticize your own side.
Can you criticize people who attempt to find agreement with people on the other side of an issue? Aren't you one of those people and isn't that your "side", your "ideological narrative©"? If you can't criticize people who find points of agreement across the political divide aren't you yourself acting as a proponent of "absolute truth"?