real life
Reply Sun 2 Oct, 2005 10:18 pm
flushd wrote:
I did take the time to read through what you had written previously. I don't think I made any mistakes.

All in all, I can see where you are coming from and I respect your views. I myself agree that abortion is NOT a form of birth control. That is irresponsible and not what abortion is intended for.
I also agree that children deserve a good life once they are born; and that it is adult's responsibility to do everything possible to ensure them health, safety, and opportunities.

Where our opinions diverge is believing that there is no difference between an unborn child and a born child. I believe there is an appreciable difference.

I would dare to say that is at the crux at much arguement between people on both sides.

thx for taking the time to reply back, foxy

Hi Flushd,

At what point is an unborn child not worthy of protection? At one minute before birth? At two? At three minutes? At one day before birth? At two? Keep moving backward until you can answer: When?

When you have decided where to draw that magic line, can you tell us what took place at that magic moment to change his status from one that deserves protection to the status of one that can be sliced apart at whim?
0 Replies
Reply Sun 2 Oct, 2005 10:26 pm
To flushd, thanks. We can agree to disagree on that point if we in fact do actually disagree. I do see a difference between a baby who has no chance to live outside the womb and one that most probably can or one that has been born. Nobody knows if the the baby will live, once born, while the one born is obviously living. For this reason, I see the wisdom inherant in the language of Roe v Wade for those occasions where the state is forced into considering law related to these things.

But to assign an 'unhuman' or 'non person' status to the baby forming within the womb flies in the face of all reason since we all occupied that very status at one point in our own growth and development. All life must be considered precious and I believe to take it purely because it is an inconvenience is simply wrong and indefensible. You suggest that you share that same view, so we may not be as far apart in our respective beliefs at all.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 3 Oct, 2005 12:43 am
Hey foxyfyre.
Actually, it sounds like our views are quite similiar. The only difference would lie in what stands we would take re: legal matters and gov't standing, funding, etc.
So I'd say let's just rejoice that we both cherish life.


real life wrote:
real life wrote:

At what point is an unborn child not worthy of protection? At one minute before birth? At two? At three minutes? At one day before birth? At two? Keep moving backward until you can answer: When?

When you have decided where to draw that magic line, can you tell us what took place at that magic moment to change his status from one that deserves protection to the status of one that can be sliced apart at whim?
Smile Smile

I'll try to address your question to the best of my ability.
I'll start by making my stance clear:
A child that is born has/deserves full rights as a human being.
A child that is within a woman's body deserves respect and to be recognized as a living being. However: that developing child is part of the woman's body. Together; they are one. The child could not exist without the mother, IS actually the mother in many respects, and this is why I believe that the mother has full rights/decision power to choose what is in the best interest of that developing child. It is her body and her developing child. I believe in absolute parental rights during development.
Where I am; legal measures are taken to prevent 'slicing away at whim'. You can not be 7 months pregnants and shout "I decided I don't want the kid. I'm getting an abortion!"

Does that make sense to you reallife? You don't have to agree, but did I make myself clear on where I stand?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 3 Oct, 2005 03:05 am
Did you hear about the blonde who failed her Bar Exam?

She thought Roe vs. Wade was the decision George Washington had to make when crossing the Potomac.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Mon 3 Oct, 2005 03:13 am

Some of us think a woman has a right to decide whether or not to allow a pregnancy taking place in her own continue to term...or to terminate it.

We feel the fetus growing in her body does not have any rights that suspend her rights in that regard.

Others of us think the fetus has rights that cause the woman to lose the right to decide to terminate the pregnancy under certain circumstances...and those people think they have the right to decide the circumstances under which the woman loses or retains those rights.

I am happy that I am part of the first of those two groups. Obviously I feel that is the more logical and moral position.

I understand, as I have mentioned several times, that intelligent, well-intentioned people can disagree with my position...and choose the second.

I'm not really sure why my position bothers people as much as it bothers some of the posters is my position nonetheless.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 3 Oct, 2005 03:38 am
I don't think it's your position that bothers some people Frank, I think it's you. But I think you're great. This site would absolutely suck without your exchanges with Intrepid, snood, MA, RL, etc...etc..etc
0 Replies
thunder runner32
Reply Mon 3 Oct, 2005 10:15 am
flushd wrote:

and this is why I believe that the mother has full rights/decision power to choose what is in the best interest of that developing child. It is her body and her developing child. I believe in absolute parental rights during development.

Yes, kill the little bastard, its in his interest.
0 Replies
Rex the Wonder Squirrel
Reply Mon 3 Oct, 2005 11:49 am
flushd wrote:
A child that is within a woman's body deserves respect and to be recognized as a living being.

So am I correct in assuming that you then admit that abortion is murder?

The child could not exist without the mother, IS actually the mother in many respects, and this is why I believe that the mother has full rights/decision power to choose what is in the best interest of that developing child.

You mean what is in the mother's best interest regarding the child in terms of her own convenience and perception of the matter.

In other words, you're saying the mother should have the right to a judgement call on whether another human being should live or not simply because she's inconvenienced by the pregnancy (and, of course, legal obligations to said human being after the pregnancy).

Where I am; legal measures are taken to prevent 'slicing away at whim'. You can not be 7 months pregnants and shout "I decided I don't want the kid. I'm getting an abortion!"

I can see why you hold your stance I was attempting to get some clarification on above, but this...this is just complete bullcrap.

What's the difference if the mother is 7 months pregnant? It's still "her body and her developing child" regardless if it's been 3 weeks or 8 and 1/2 months.

Who cares about "slicing away at whim"? It's just a developing child, the only person who cares is likely the mother deciding to kill him/her in the first place. In fact, why don't we have hospitals supply "Aborion Do-It-Yourself" kits to all expecting mothers who might eventually decide to have an abortion? It'd be a lot more private, I'm sure.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Mon 3 Oct, 2005 12:10 pm
CerealKiller wrote:
I don't think it's your position that bothers some people Frank, I think it's you.

I think you are correct, CK.

But I think you're great. This site would absolutely suck without your exchanges with Intrepid, snood, MA, RL, etc...etc..etc

Thank you. I give it my best you know. Twisted Evil
0 Replies
Reply Mon 3 Oct, 2005 05:37 pm
<<<<banging head against wall Evil or Very Mad

Why do people twist my words?!

Abortion is not murder. Abortion is not murder. Abortion is not murder.
If I thought abortion was murder why in the world would I support the option?!

Y'know, it is possible to cherish life and not be a control freak. It is possible to believe that a mother has rights that trump the gov'ts and the majority.
I myself will fight to the death to protect individual choice. If some people make bad decisions - suck it up. It's not my place to tell people what to do.
I don't want to live in a world where others have more say over my body than I do myself.

0 Replies
Rex the Wonder Squirrel
Reply Mon 3 Oct, 2005 06:45 pm
flushd wrote:
Why do people twist my words?!

Twist your words? Let's take a look at what you said...

"A child that is within a woman's body deserves respect and to be recognized as a living being."

So, said child = a living being, according to your definition (which leaves little room for interpretation, so spare me a rant saying I twisted your words here).

And, according to Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, murder is (as a noun):

"unlawful premeditated killing of a living being [syn: homicide, slaying]"

Considering by your definition a child that is within a woman's body = a living being, we can substitute the phrase in accordingly...

"unlawful premeditated killing of a child that is within a woman's body"

There you have it. Direct, literal analysis with no "twisting". I'd ask for an apology, but it seems as if you're a little busy pounding your head against a wall.

Abortion is not murder. Abortion is not murder. Abortion is not murder.

You say that, and yet your logic points in a completely different direction. Perhaps attempt to attain a little more consistency in your views, especially if you are going to assert them within a public medium such as this.

If I thought abortion was murder why in the world would I support the option?!

You tell me.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Mon 3 Oct, 2005 06:59 pm
Rex the Wonder Squirrel wrote:
flushd wrote:
Why do people twist my words?!

Twist your words? Let's take a look at what you said...

"A child that is within a woman's body deserves respect and to be recognized as a living being."

So, said child = a living being, according to your definition (which leaves little room for interpretation, so spare me a rant saying I twisted your words here).

And, according to Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, murder is (as a noun):

"unlawful premeditated killing of a living being [syn: homicide, slaying]"

Considering by your definition a child that is within a woman's body = a living being, we can substitute the phrase in accordingly...

"unlawful premeditated killing of a child that is within a woman's body"

And at some are actually going to explain why a perfectly legal abortion meets your standard of "an unlawful premeditated killing?"

There you have it. Direct, literal analysis with no "twisting". I'd ask for an apology, but it seems as if you're a little busy pounding your head against a wall.

Shouldn't you be offering the apology...rather than struting your mistake all over the Internet?

Abortion is not murder. Abortion is not murder. Abortion is not murder.

You say that, and yet your logic points in a completely different direction. Perhaps attempt to attain a little more consistency in your views, especially if you are going to assert them within a public medium such as this.

Good advice. Are you going to take it?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 3 Oct, 2005 07:16 pm
flushd wrote:
<<<<banging head against wall Evil or Very Mad

I don't want to live in a world where others have more say over my body than I do myself.


Are you pregnant? Shocked
0 Replies
Rex the Wonder Squirrel
Reply Mon 3 Oct, 2005 09:24 pm
Frank Apisa wrote:
And at some are actually going to explain why a perfectly legal abortion meets your standard of "an unlawful premeditated killing?"

Here, let me rephrase it with the rest of the noun definition and verb definition as well to help you understand it a little better:

Said child = a living being, according to flushd's definition (which, again, leaves little room for interpretation).

And, according to Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, murder is (as a verb):

"to kill a human being intentionally and with premeditation [syn: slay, hit]"

Considering by flushd's definition a child that is within a woman's body = a living being, we can substitute the phrase in accordingly (negating the possibility that you'd like to claim that the child is a living being, yet somehow not a human)...

"to kill a child that is within a woman's body intentionally and with premeditation"

Again with the secondary definition, murder is (as a noun):

"The offense of killing a human being with malice prepense or aforethought, express or implied"

And again we substitute the the phrase to get...

"The offense of killing a a child that is within a woman's body with aforethought, express or implied"

I hope that clarified it a little better.

Shouldn't you be offering the apology...rather than struting your mistake all over the Internet?

1.) An apology for...what? Defending against claims that I "twisted words" around? That's bologna, considering even if the consequence of the argument (abortion fitting the definition of murder with flushd's definitions) is false, I still did not twist any words around. It was direct, literal analysis.

2.) The word "strutting" is actual spelled with two "t's." Perhaps next time you attempt a sly correction of another you should use spellchecker. Or not, it's not like you're being graded on punctuation or anything.

Good advice. Are you going to take it?

Uh huh. Because my views are so inconsistent-- considering I've only a.) responded to flushd's views with some healthy comments to spark discussion, and thus b.) have yet to assert my own opinions definitively within said public medium.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 3 Oct, 2005 10:58 pm
Nope, not pregnant. Surprised

It's very easy to tear at another person's position without putting your own arse on the line, squirrel. At what point will you honour us with your stance rather than henpecking?!

You don't want to know what I have to say - you have only shown an interest to dissect it. Boring.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 3 Oct, 2005 11:45 pm
Are you pregnant?

Laughing [laughing uncontrollably]... [calming down, still laughing]
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Tue 4 Oct, 2005 01:10 am
Rex the Wonder Squirrel wrote:
Frank Apisa wrote:
And at some are actually going to explain why a perfectly legal abortion meets your standard of "an unlawful premeditated killing?"

Here, let me rephrase it with the rest of the noun definition and verb definition as well to help you understand it a little better:

Said child = a living being, according to flushd's definition (which, again, leaves little room for interpretation).

And, according to Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, murder is (as a verb):

"to kill a human being intentionally and with premeditation [syn: slay, hit]"

Considering by flushd's definition a child that is within a woman's body = a living being, we can substitute the phrase in accordingly (negating the possibility that you'd like to claim that the child is a living being, yet somehow not a human)...

"to kill a child that is within a woman's body intentionally and with premeditation"

Again with the secondary definition, murder is (as a noun):

"The offense of killing a human being with malice prepense or aforethought, express or implied"

And again we substitute the the phrase to get...

"The offense of killing a a child that is within a woman's body with aforethought, express or implied"

I hope that clarified it a little better.

Actually...that didn't clarify your changed it considerably. It eliminated the word "unlawful"...a word which made your first attempt at this argument absurd.

In any case...if Flushed did agree that a living human being is present in a fetus...Flushed was incorrect. A fetus is not a living human is a fetus.

And an abortion is not matter how much you attempt to torture logic in order to try to make it such.


Shouldn't you be offering the apology...rather than struting your mistake all over the Internet?

1.) An apology for...what? Defending against claims that I "twisted words" around?

No...for the smarmy, unctuous way you presented your initial argument which was wrong on its face.

2.) The word "strutting" is actual spelled with two "t's." Perhaps next time you attempt a sly correction of another you should use spellchecker. Or not, it's not like you're being graded on punctuation or anything.

Just as you are not being graded on the fragment you have just punctuated as a sentence.

If the two "t's" didn't should not have mentioned them. In any case...I did not present an argument with a huge, glaring error...and then preen myself about the presentation as you did.


Good advice. Are you going to take it?

Uh huh. Because my views are so inconsistent-- considering I've only a.) responded to flushd's views with some healthy comments to spark discussion, and thus b.) have yet to assert my own opinions definitively within said public medium.

Oh, I see. All that "in your face" nonsense was just an attempt at "healthy comments" intended to "spark discussion."

Well, you've certainly done that...but the essense of my comment still holds. If you are going to attempt logical rebuttals to comments made in a public forum...shouldn't you attempt to put some logic in your logic?
0 Replies
thunder runner32
Reply Tue 4 Oct, 2005 07:50 am
In any case...if Flushed did agree that a living human being is present in a fetus...Flushed was incorrect. A fetus is not a living human is a fetus.

Main Entry: fe·tus
Pronunciation: 'fE-t&s
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Latin, act of bearing young, offspring; akin to Latin fetus newly delivered, fruitful -- more at FEMININE
: an unborn or unhatched vertebrate especially after attaining the basic structural plan of its kind; specifically : a developing human from usually three months after conception to birth

Frank, what is the opposite of dead?
Is a fetus dead?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 4 Oct, 2005 08:19 am
Slightly different defintion:

fe·tus ( P ) Pronunciation Key (fts)
n. pl. fe·tus·es
The unborn young of a viviparous vertebrate having a basic structural resemblance to the adult animal.
In humans, the unborn young from the end of the eighth week after conception to the moment of birth, as distinguished from the earlier embryo.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Tue 4 Oct, 2005 09:00 am
thunder_runner32 wrote:
In any case...if Flushed did agree that a living human being is present in a fetus...Flushed was incorrect. A fetus is not a living human is a fetus.

Main Entry: fe·tus
Pronunciation: 'fE-t&s
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Latin, act of bearing young, offspring; akin to Latin fetus newly delivered, fruitful -- more at FEMININE
: an unborn or unhatched vertebrate especially after attaining the basic structural plan of its kind; specifically : a developing human from usually three months after conception to birth

Frank, what is the opposite of dead?
Is a fetus dead?

No it is not dead. Neither is a cancerous tumor. But a cancerous tumor is a cancerous tumor...and a fetus is a fetus. And as your definition will continue to be a fetus until birth...when it will become a living human being.

Why do you have so much trouble with that?
0 Replies

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