Quote:Even if that is true Hightor comparing Civil War deaths to Covid Deaths is a lie.
No, I don't buy it. He's comparing
numbers, that's all.
Quote:He is trying to say that the impact of deaths from covid are as bad as
those from the civil war.
No he isn't. That may be your interpretation but there's nothing implicit in his language which confers a particular
quality on the two death tolls, the only similarity is the
quantity. Neither the rate of death nor the proportion to the total population is material to the point he's making.
Quote:maxdancona wrote:If a disease is serious enough, I would support deastic measures that take away civil rights. Innthe case of covid (especially as the pandemic is waning), we aren't anywhere close to this point.
maxdancona wrote:On one side are anti-vaxxers, most of whom are flatly denying science.
On the other side are pro-vaccine extremists who are exaggerating risks, and calling for compliance at all costs without considering the costs.
Sound public policy lies in the middle of these two extremes.
BillRM wrote:
As that is as many as died in the civil war period so tell me more about exaggeration!!!!!!!
See those words, "as many as died"? "Many" refers to the
number, nothing else.
Quote:More people are dying of heart disease than of covid. Where is the panic about glazed donuts.
This typically inept attempt at a comparison makes BillRM's statement seem cogent! You don't pick up heart disease from having a casual conversation with someone at a close distance. You don't contract heart disease one day and possibly die three weeks later. And the people scheduled for hospitalization for heart disease are currently being put on hold because covid is considered to be a more urgent problem.
Quote:This comparison is silly.
I agree — a chronic condition like heart disease can't really be compared to contracting a severe respiratory illness during a pandemic!
And it has nothing to do with "extremism".