And how many more were not even counted? Around the world, the figures are much higher due to lack of testing, contact tracing, record-keeping.
I'm certainly not making the case that this is the worst thing that ever happened to human beings, but 700,000 deaths (that we know of) in the US alone is disgraceful, reprehensible, and completely avoidable once the vaccines were available.
Why die unnecessarily? Why be ILL unnecessarily? Why not take some precautions? I don't want shingles so I got the Shingrix. I don't want to feel like crap later so I get the 'flu vaccine. I don't want a root canal so I take care of my teeth. This is no different. I don't want to get Covid, I don't want to be in the hospital, really ill or not, so I got vaccinated. It's just common sense.
The difference is the others aren't transmissible whereas Covid is. So... I don't go to protests, bars, clubs, concerts, stampedes and rodeos, big gatherings, etc., where I could get it, masked attendees or not.
And I'm not an alarmist. If someone doesn't want to get the vaccine, I don't care. I may still visit with them - in fact, I have. It's not my job to change their minds. But I'm taking care of myself. That's all one can really do.