ManOfTruth wrote:
Quote:People who arenot vaccinated are putting others at risk.
This is 100% false. And anyone who believes this has a tiny, peanut brain.
And if it were true, it would mean that the vaccines don't work, so why is anybody taking them then?
But it's not true, it's false. That's a 100% fact.
People who are not vaccinated ARE putting others at risk...in a couple of different ways.
If they get infected and take up a bed in an ICU...that is a bed someone else could have used.
If they get infected and allow the virus an opportunity to mutate...the put everyone at risk.
So the notion is not, as you insist, 100% false.
By the way, the people with tiny, peanut brains are the people who continue to support Trump...and continue to impede trying to control the pandemic because they think that is what their Dear Leader wants them to do.