My local gp gave me the cholera and typhoid,but I had to drive to the tropical diseases centre in Bristol, about twenty miles away, for the yellow fever.
I wasn't that well off atthetime with enough petrol to get there and cash to pay for the jab.
It didn't go well, my gp, a doddery old locum, was supposed to have made an appointment, and it was the wrong day.
I had to argue that he had made an appointment because I was flying out in a week and couldn't afford to come back.
It was all bullshit, he hadn't done any such thing, he looked up the address in the yellow pages.
They did give it tome,but they weren't happy,really shoved the needle in hard in an arm that had had the other two jabs an hour and a half ago.
Then I had to drive back, right hand drive, manual gearbox, meaning I had tochange gear with my left arm which was now throbbing like a bastard.
After a week of being on the shop I cut myself in the engine room and needed an anti tetanus.